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Motion to reconsider structure


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The following motion was passed with a timeline for reporting recommendations to be acted on at the 2005 AAUW NC Convention in Asheville:

Move that the state AAUW Board establish an ad hoc committee of at least 5 AAUW members and charge that committee with studying the advantages and disadvantages of making these proposed changes to the state NC structure:

a) reducing the size of the Board by

  1. eliminating the requirement that branch presidents
    serve on the Board
  2. reducing the number of standing committees represented
    on the Board
  3. introducing new structures/procedures to ensure that
    branch and committee interests are represented on the
    state board and/or
  4. revising the structure of the state Board in any other
    way that maximizes its potential to meet its mission
    at the state and branch level

b) creating a statewide "branch" or some other form of a host branch to increase AAUW membership in communities unserved by local branches.



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Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.