Summer 2003
- Page 1: The person on the far right of the middle picture is Tina Ewing, president
of Raleigh/Wake County, the host branch.
- Page 3: The registration fee for the summer conference is $12, not $10 and
includes lunch on Saturday. The $6.00 Deli Buffet is for dinner Friday evening
before the board meeting. See the registration
form in the Events section of the web site for corrected information
- Page 6: The 2003-2004 budget printed was not the one passed on April 5. See
the Documents section of this web site for the 2003-2004 AAUW NC Budget.
- Page 7: There were some misleading statements in the "Vote to Deny Resolution"
article. Laura Rumbley has posted a clarification to the AAUW NC e-mail list and
more information will be available at the summer meeting and, perhaps, in a later
issue of the Tar Heel News. For more information on Same Day Registration, see
For more information on AAUW NC's policies and procedures for handling resolutions,
see our Policy Statement(
Other notes
Magdalena Maiz-Pena's keynote address
at the AAUW NC Convention. See the Convention
section of the web site for a complementary discussion of the other information
in this issue.
The 2002 EF report is available online.
More info on the Summer Meetings
is available online.
Online version of AAUW NC at Women's
Advocacy Day.
Mary Jo Pribble will be acting Resolutions Chair until approximately Jan.
A report from SAR Director
Ronnie Williams ( ) is online,
covering some of the same material as the article on page 7.