American Association of University Women NC
Summer Board Minutes
UNC-TV Raleigh, North Carolina
July 30, 2005 9 AM
Branches Present/Representation:
Chapel Hill/J. Green
Gaston Regional/S. Fink
Greensboro/L. Sarkis
Jacksonville Regional/S. Jenkins and E. Lynge
Raleigh/Wake/E. Lumsdon
Sandhills/Southern Pines/L. McCarthy
Statesville/B. Edmisten
Wilmington/J. Gilbert (member of Sandhills/Southern Pines)
Winston-Salem/E. Morris
Officers and Committee Chairs Present: J. Hill, J. Atkinson, E. Mercer (Charlotte), M. Hoffler-Foushee, K. Atkinson (Brevard), R. Bradke (Hendersonville), L. Jackson, N. Shoemaker, MF Schickedantz, BA Hughes, M. Stephens (High Point president), Q. Thompson (Charlotte), and LD Howard (for L. Ward)
Other participants: Chalane Jones, member-at-large from Durham, Sue Williamson, member of Sandhills/Southern Pines.
President Joanne Hill called the meeting to order at 9:12 AM. She thanked everyone for taking time on a weekend to attend the meeting. She thanked members of the Raleigh/Wake branch for their hospitality and Janet Webers husband for making the arrangements to meet at UNC-TV. Esther Lumsdon of the Raleigh/Wake Branch welcomed the group.
Those attending were asked to introduce themselves, identify their branch and indicate if they were officially representing a branch. These introductions served to call the roll. No coalition representatives were in attendance.
Karla Atkinson, Secretary, moved that the minutes of the April 15, 2005 Spring Board Meeting in Asheville be approved. These minutes were approved by consensus.
A reading committee was appointed, including Lou Dean Howard, Swannetta Fink and Sandy Jenkins.
Lou Dean Howard, substituting for Parliamentarian Lois Ward, read the meeting rules which were adopted.
Some changes were made to the agenda: Additional minutes were allocated for committee reports. Mini Grants were added to New Business.
Presidents Report - Joanne Hill
Joanne apologized for not having an agenda prepared in advance of the meeting.
She asked those who had attended Association Convention in June to share one highlight
of their experiences at convention. These highlights included:
Lumsdon: workshop on preventing volunteer burnout
Thompson: panel on diversity; discussion on monitoring fiscal compliance with
Perkins Act
Shoemaker: involvement in campaign to change membership requirements; relation
of that campaign to the discussions on Lobby Day with Senator Burr
Mercer: good ideas for a parliamentarian
Schickedantz: development of the theme for convention and future email contacts
Hoffler-Foushee: how to use coalitions to increase visibility through publicity
Blanton: passage of new membership requirements
Weber: behind-the-scenes look as a volunteer and how to maximize votes on issues
Hughes: visits with elected officials
The next Association Convention will be held in Phoenix, AZ from June 29 through July 2, 2007. The SAR Convention will be held in Birmingham, AL in 2006.
Treasurers Report - Millie Hoffler-Foushee
Millie distributed three financial statements which compared actual expenses with
budget figures for 2004-2005. She also reviewed the 2006 budget which was approved
at the April Board meeting. She noted that this past year AAUW NC operations were
running in the black and urged Board Members to continue with sound fiscal planning.
This financial information has been posted on the AAUW NC web site.
Millie reviewed the policy for mileage reimbursement for Board Officers and
Chairs and reminded Board Members that they must submit a form to be reimbursed.
Those not taking a reimbursement were asked to submit this information and credit
it as a donation to AAUW NC.
The Treasurers Report was accepted as filed for audit.
Program Report - Judy Atkinson
Judy asked several Board Members to meet during lunch to discuss the theme for
Spring Convention in New Bern. The Convention is scheduled from March 29 through
April 2, 2006. She has a copy of the white paper on the new AAUW theme Education
as a Gateway to Economic Security which might be helpful in planning. In
response to Judys request for more guidance in planning the Fall Board Meeting
in Chapel Hill on October 29, the Fall Board Meeting item was placed under New
Business on todays agenda.
Membership Report - Evelyn Mercer
Evelyn reported that rules to clarify the new membership requirements should soon
be announced to the membership. She reminded Board Members of the Give a Grad
a Gift, Shape the Future, and guest referral efforts by Association to assist
local branches with recruiting new members. She suggested that all new members
become involved in a committee and be partnered/mentored with a branch member.
She offered to divide the list of Members-At-Large in NC among branch representatives
who were present at the meeting.
She suggested that AAUW NC identify some way to recognize 50 year members at State Convention each year. She would like to identify one person in each cluster who can meet during lunchtime today to discuss other programs to recognize branches for retaining and increasing their membership.
Finance Committee Report - Joann Hall
No report was given. The Finance Committee consists of Joanne Hall, Bobbie Edmisten,
Millie Hoffler-Foushee and Nancy Shoemaker.
Diversity Report - Queen Thompson
Queen stressed the importance of educating ourselves on diversity issues and recommended
that branches have a monthly study group to look at such issues. As an example
she suggested that a branch could host an international tea and bring people of
diverse backgrounds together.
She reiterated that AAUW NC should develop a diversity platform or mission. Queen tied the new membership requirements to the importance of having AAUW visibility on two-year college campuses.
Educational Foundation - Rusty Bradke
The basket raffle at State Convention in April netted $400. Branches have been
credited with their contributions to the raffle. This event will probably be repeated
at the 2006 State Convention in New Bern. She noted that several branches have
not appointed an EF representative but should do so as soon as possible.
She distributed leaflets which explained the Anne Chipley American Fellowship
which still needs more funds to reach its $100,000 goal and encouraged branches
to designate funds for this fellowship. Rusty will send an email to all branches
to encourage such support.
A note in the TAR HEEL NEWS could highlight this and other North Carolina-related
fellowships which need continued funding support, including the Charlotte Branchs
efforts. [Updated version
of leaflet]
College University Relations Report - Lola Jackson
Lola underscored the importance of AAUW being visible on two-year campuses in
light of the new membership requirements.
LAF Report - Nancy Shoemaker for Lil VanOrder
Nancy reviewed the various options for supporting LAF. Sylvia Newman quilt pins
and $100 donation pins are given to LAF donors.
Federal Public Policy Report - Mary Stephens
Mary reviewed online information from Association that discusses the upcoming
judicial nomination process and potential candidates. She noted that the High
Point branch has been quite successful in organizing local talks on this process.
She thanked Mary Peterson for her help in getting out the PP word
in light of Stephens quest to finish her PhD.
State Public Policy Report - Barbara Ann Hughes
Barbara summarized the success of efforts to pass legislation which would significantly
curb the sale of soda, snacks and other junk food in public schools. She also
noted new legislative requirements for public schools to provide more physical
activity for students. Medicaid cuts for special populations were not passed.
21st Century Recognition Report - Mary Fran Schickedantz
Mary Fran moved her report to later in the day, after small group work discussing
this issue would be completed.
Appointed Board Vacancies - Joanne Hill
Joanne reported that she would like to fill four vacancies on the Board: cluster
coordinator, bylaws chairperson, corresponding secretary/housing coordinator and
Three members stepped up to accept positions:
Bylaws Chairperson: Swannetta Fink (Gaston Regional)
Corresponding Secretary/Housing Coordinator: Evelyn Lynge (Jacksonville Regional)
Historian: Sandy Jenkins (Jacksonville Regional)
Sandhills/Southern Pines questioned the need for a Cluster Coordinator (and the relevance of clusters in general) which prompted a short discussion. This issue was moved to New Business on the days agenda for more discussion at the request of Lois McCarthy.
President Hill detailed the format for the early afternoon discussions. Four groups were formed to discuss and make recommendations: (1) new AAUW NC Board structure, (2) Strategic Planning emphasis on ReConnection Goal I, (3) other goals and strategies from the strategic plan, and (4) 21st Century Recognition Program. These groups summarized and made recommendations:
New Board Structure Discussion Report - Karla Atkinson
This group studied the current committee within the Board structure. A motion
to accept the Board Structure recommended by the study group and charge
the Bylaws/Policies Committee to align the Polices to reflect this structure
was offered, seconded, and approved. (See attachment
to the minutes for the proposed committee and appointed officer structure.)
ReConnection Goal I - Mary Fran Schickedantz
Mary Fran reported that the group had developed strategies and dates for a state
wide focus on encouraging girls and women to be life long learners.
The motion that the AAUW NC statewide focus for 2005-2007 be/is Actively
Encouraging Women and Girls to be Lifelong Learners was offered,
seconded, and approved.
21st Century Recognition Report - Chalane Jones
Chalanes group recommended that AAUW NC adopt a point system for recognizing
branches accomplishments. She reviewed the structure which Association had
used in the past to acknowledge branches accomplishments and recommended
AAUW NC adopt a same/similar approach for recognizing branches, using four categories
(platinum, gold, silver and bronze). The names of the members of highest-earning
branches could be put into a hat and a winner drawn to receive a special prize.
By consensus, the Board decided that this idea merited further discussion. Karla
Atkinson, Esther Lumsdom, Queen Thompson and Mary Stephens agreed to join Chalane
in further discussion of this approach.
The group strongly recommended that AAUW NC participate this year in Associations recognition program.
Other goals/strategies from the strategic planning session - Lola Jackson
This study group discussed several possibilities. They underscored the need to
define diversity and educate the membership on diversity efforts. One possible
fundraising idea was a pin which would reflect the diversity of women in NC. The
need to connect with graduate schools (like Duke) to promote AAUW membership was
highlighted, as well as efforts to continue collaboration with business and educational
institutions. For more visibility, the group suggested a videotape that would
introduce AAUW NC to broad audiences. Public service announcements were also listed
as a good way to become visible in communities. This group will continue its work
at the Fall Board Meeting by assigning steps and timeframes to these ideas. [See
list of Goals/Strategies developed
at March meeting.]
Membership Report - Evelyn Mercer
Evelyn announced that she had identified a representative from each cluster who
would be available to speak to other branches in that cluster about membership.
These people include Mary Fran Schickedantz (Triad), Karla Atkinson (Mountain),
Janet Weber (Sandhills/Triangle), Evelyn Lynge (SE Coastal) and Evelyn Mercer
(Foothills). She announced a recognition program for branches that maintain and
increase their membership from February 2005 through February 2006. The motion
to have AAUW NC acknowledge branches at the State Convention by giving a
certificate to every branch that does not decrease the number of members during
the year Feb. 1- Feb. 1 and give two special presentations (money) to the branch
that has the largest member increase and the largest rate increase in membership
was offered, seconded, and approved.
Ann Chipley Fund
The motion to have the AAUW NC Board strongly encourage all branches to
designate some of their EF contributions to the Ann Chipley Fellowship (#4051)
was offered, seconded, and approved.
Mini Grant - Nancy Shoemaker
Nancy announced a new AAUW NC program to award mini grants to branches. She distributed
draft information on the process that would be used to award these grants. The
motion that AAUW NC may award grants to the branches from AAUW NC funds
in budget line item 2214, following a process approved by the Finance and Executive
Committees was offered, seconded, and approved.
Cluster Discussion - Lois McCarthy
Lois discussed her branchs disappointment at having so few members
from other branches attend their cluster meeting. (In a related item, Hendersonville
canceled the Mountain cluster meeting last year because of low registration.)
The Board did not have adequate time to discuss this matter. Lois asked that the
issue be outlined in the TAR HEEL NEWS to alert branches to the upcoming discussion
this fall. The following motion was offered, seconded and approved: It is
the Sandhills/Southern Pines position that the cluster segment of AAUW NC
be recognized as having served its purpose but no longer has an effective place
in the yearly program; the cluster concept should be eliminated. It is strongly
urged that any branch which is presenting a special event be encouraged to send
notices, invitations and directions to surrounding branches. This matter shall
be addressed at the 2005 Fall Board Meeting.
Fall Board Meeting
The purpose of the Fall Board Meeting was discussed, as were fees to attend the
meeting. It was the consensus of the group that the Board needed one more full-day
meeting to finish its business, thereby eliminating any leadership training
component or program for the fall meeting. The issue of how to train new branch
and state officers needs continued discussion. The motion that registration
fees for the 2005 Fall Board meeting be waived for Board members or their proxies
who pre-register, and be set at $10 for all others attending this meeting
was offered, seconded, and approved.
Durham Branch Recruitment Efforts
Chalane Jones, Member-At-Large from Durham, announced she will begin actively
recruiting individuals to form a branch in the Durham area. The motion to
accept in principle that a branch in Durham is a good thing and to give presumptive
approval to the formation of such a branch was offered, seconded, and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karla Atkinson, Secretary
Approved: 29-Oct-2005
Last updated:
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