American Association of University Women
Summer Board Minutes
July 20, 2001
Hendersonville, N. C.

Mary Jo Pribble, president, called the meeting to order and called
on Sibyl Lange, president of the Hendersonville Branch, to welcome the
members to Hendersonville and the Blue Ridge Community College campus.
Shirley Quisenberry brought special greetings from the new AAUW
Association president, Nancy Rustad.
Sandra Champion was welcomed and presented with a special
certificate of appreciation for her service as president for two terms
from LaRonnia Williams, South Atlantic Regional Director.
Secretary Pat Abell called the roll. Twenty-one officers and eleven
branch presidents or representatives composed a quorum. The minutes were
accepted as printed. A reading committee consisting of Bobbie Edmisten,
Sibyl Lange, and Mary Fran Schickedantz was appointed.
Parliamentarian Nelda Howell gave the rules of the meeting based on
the newly revised Robert’s Rules of Order.
Treasurer Bobbie Edmisten presented the treasurer’s report,
pointing out that expenses were greater than income. The report was
President’s Report: Mary Jo Pribble said that 909 members attended
the association convention in Austin, Texas. Voting delegates numbered
728 members with 12 members being from North Carolina. There was a sense
of change with the coming of the new director, Jackie Woods. Beth Faroki
was elected Executive Vice President /Secretary of the Association. Beth
Norris was elected Secretary of the Educational Foundation. LaRonnia
Williams was reelected South Atlantic Regional Director. Nancy Shoemaker
was appointed to serve on the Association Program Committee. The Bylaws
Amendment reducing the size of the Association Board from twenty-one to
twelve members passed by more than two-thirds vote. Mary Jo gave a
financial briefing citing the source of revenue being primarily
membership dues and non-dues revenue. The note cards provided non-dues
revenue of $273,000 last year.
Other members who attended the convention recalled events most
interesting to them. Sibyl Lange enjoyed attending the workshops. Janet
Weber was impressed with meeting Jackie Woods and Mary Fran Schickedantz
enjoyed hearing the speakers. Joanne Hill recalled, to the amusement of
all, being upgraded on her airline seat to first class and sitting
beside Larry Gatlin. She also liked the resolution process. Nancy
Shoemaker campaigned to upgrade the state of technology at the
Association headquarters.
President Pribble displayed the Legacy Circle Pin, which is given
to members who include AAUW in planned giving to the Educational
Mary Peterson sent pictures from the convention by Nelda Howell.
Anyone wanting copies could let Mary know.
Program Vice Chair: Grace Knechtal asked her Program Committee
members to meet with her at lunch the next day. She reported that she
had asked Jackie Woods to attend the next State Convention. There would
be no change in the direction for programs. We would still use Choices
for a Changing World, Sister to Sister and Woman to Woman. A new Tool
kit called Change Management was available. She announced that the
workshop for the Leadership Conference the next day would be on
Membership Vice Chair: Sue Metz was absent. No report was
Finance Committee Report: President Pribble reminded the members
that a dues increase was recommended on the national level. She asked
everyone to keep this in mind as they heard the finance report. Bobbie
Edmisten said that the Finance committee, consisting of Mary Marrow,
Chair; Bobbie Edmisten; Alyce Lanier; and Sandra Abromitis; met recently
and reviewed the budget. She reported that dues income was based on
having 1400 members. Administrative expenses were reduced. The Juvenile
Literature Award was added as a separate item. Money from one of the
Certificates of Deposit would be transferred to the main account to
support our programs and publish the history of AAUW/NC.
The committee discussed eliminating another board meeting as well
as the Winter Board meeting, reducing the board size, and reducing
reimbursements. They decided to ask for a three-dollar increase in dues.
Dues were last raised in 1993 from $6.50 to $8. Publication expenses
were more than budgeted. One member asked about emailing the newsletter.
Janet Weber explained that emailing and posting the newsletter on the
web were too difficult to do at this time. Members were asked to talk
with branch members about the dues increase.
Nancy Shoemaker moved that the financial guidelines be incorporated
with the AAUW/NC Policy Statement. The guidelines were drafted by the
treasurer from past practices. After discussion the motion was approved.

Historian: Clara Allen read a short, meaningful statement from a
1940 document. She reported that Virginia Roth had been helping her. The
Chapel Hill Press had made the best offer for publishing the history.
The book would be a soft cover book, 51/2 in. by 81/2 in., 200 pages,
with 20 photos. Clara suggested that we sell the books for $14. Doris
Bernlohr moved that we purchase 400 books from Chapel Hill Press. The
motion was approved. Claudia Rose moved that the books sell for $15.00.
The motion was approved.
Tar Heel News: Marty Folsom presented the idea of selling ads for
the newsletter and increasing its size to sixteen pages. She carefully
explained with a handout, ad sizes and prices. The newsletter would be
30% ads. Ads would be sold for two to four issues. Each branch would be
responsible for selling some ads. Suggested sources for ads were
businesses of interest to the entire state such as banks, bed and
breakfasts, restaurants, professional women, and realtors. Marty would
investigate the legality of refusing ads. Members were asked to inform
the branch members of this proposal.
Marty reminded members that the deadline for the Tar Heel News was
August 3.
Bylaws: Alyce Lanier asked that the updated Bylaws from the
Cherokee County, Franklin County, Mooresville, UNC/Pembroke,
Sandhills/Southern Pines, Statesville, Tarboro, and Tryon Area Branches
be sent to her.
Initiative for Educational Equity: Allene Poe shared comments on
Educational Equity made by Jackie Woods, Executive Director of AAUW. She
asked the members to keep her informed of activities of the branch.
International Affairs: Shirley Quisenberry reported that the AAUW
convention had a more global emphasis partly due to the influence of
Jackie Woods. Over half the delegates attended the International
Breakfast. The International Affairs Director was eliminated from the
board, but many members wanted assurance that global concerns would not
be forgotten.
Shirley would be representing the Association as a delegate at the
IFUW convention in Canada, August 10-17, 2001. She would also be
presenting a workshop on Voter Education at the IFUW conference.
Educational Foundation: Claudia Rose announced that there would be
a silent auction at the convention in the spring. She asked that
Educational Foundation contributions be reported to her when received
and not held till the end of the year. Updated lists of contributions
for each branch were available.
Legal Advocacy: Doris Bernlohr said that she was pleased to accept
an award to AAUW/NC for the 63% increase in LAF contributions from the
North Carolina branches. North Carolina was 5th in the nation with a
contribution of $9,125. 31. She challenged the branches to top $10,000
this year for North Carolina. Updated LAF contribution totals were put
in each member packet. She asked that contributions be sent to her by
December 1, 2001. Support was awarded to five new LAF cases. Four are
cases for sex discrimination and one is for denial of tenure.
Public Policy: Barbara Ann Hughes stated that she would communicate
with branch chairs on Public Policy by email.
Cluster Coordinator: Virginia Palmer announced that the Foothills
Cluster would hold its meeting in Mooresville, October 13, 2001. She
asked that other clusters send her their meeting dates as soon as known.

Recognition Program Coordinator: Laura Rumbley was awaiting more
information about the Recognition Program, which she would share with
branches when received.
Housing Coordinator: Gelene Lineberger said that the schedule for
meetings and places would be published in the Tar Heel News. She still
had North Carolina shaped AAUW pins for sale.
Resolutions: No report
Computer Technology Coordinator: Nancy Shoemaker suggested that
yearbook information be sent to Janet Weber to post on the AAUW/NC site.
Web Site Manager: Janet Weber asked that reports be sent to her by
email to relieve her from having to type them.

Unfinished Business:

After brief discussion, Mary Fran Schickedantz
moved that the Winter Board, 2002, not be held. The motion carried.
Lee Laidlaw made a plea for Officers lists and email addresses from
the branches.
There was no report from the Ad Hoc Committee on investigating
financial support
for branches to send members to Association and State
The meeting was adjourned.

Pat Abell, Secretary

Last updated: 16-Jan-2002
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