AAUW Leading and Learning
Saturday, July 24, 2004
8:30 - 2:30
Courtyard by Marriott, Winston-Salem Hanes Mall
1600 Westbrook Plaza Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC
Note: 1:00 - 2:30 session will be at Forsyth Technical College.
AAUW NC Summer Board meeting: Friday, July 23 at 7:00 at the Marriott.
For the agenda, registration, directions see page
2 of the Summer 2004 Tar Heel News. Deadline for registration and hotel reservations
is July 15.
Reports from officers and other background
Leader-on-Loan Lisa
Maatz is the Director of Government Relations and Public Policy at the American
Association of University Women. As the organization's top policy advisor, Maatz
works to advance AAUW's priority issues on Capitol Hill, through the executive
branch and in coalition with partners from the women's and civil rights communities.
Maatz has been a featured speaker on a wide range of women's issues across the
country and on Capitol Hill, including invited testimony before the President's
Commission to Strengthen Social Security. More
about Lisa >>>
Dr. Pam Silberman, Associate Director for Policy Analysis at the Sheps
Center For Health Services Research of UNC-Chapel Hill and formerly Project Director
of NC Justice Center's Health Care Access Coation will speak about NC and Access
to Healthcare.
Nancy Shoemaker ,
AAUW NC Techonology Chair, will lead the afternoon hands-on session at Forsyth
Community College. She'll be assisted by members of the NC Online Satellite of
the Winston-Salem branch. This session will demonstrate the web conferencing software
that is being considered for an AAUW NC "virtual" board meeting. All
are welcome to participate and share ideas on how this tool can lower our costs
and improve our efficiency. Those who want some information in advance are encouraged
to go to the Isoph
Institute web site to review the material on web conferencing. More
about Nancy >>>