Dear AAUW Member Leader:

Thank you for your interest in approaching colleges/universities for AAUW institutional membership! The following materials are enclosed to assist you in your recruitment efforts to encourage colleges/universities in your local area to become partners of AAUW:

Please share all of this information with colleges/universities. If you would like to receive additional copies of any of the above items contact Andrea Parker, Administrative Associate (202/785-7712 or

Share your success of recruiting new institutions and collaborations of programming with Erica. As we work to further develop the C/U Partnership Program this information is helpful to us. If you require technical support and/or would like to connect with your state AAUW College/University Chair contact Erica at anytime (202-785-7703 or

Best regards,

Ruth Z. Sweetser
College/University Chair

Erica Payne
Associate Director of Program Development
College/University Coordinator

P.S. Visit AAUW’s website for additional information on AAUW’s College/University Partnership Program (