AAUW North Carolina Home Page



Resources for 2006-2007




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As you identify new resources, please post them at news.aauwnc.org or send them to Nancy to be listed here. You may also FAX items to 866-525-2155.

Association General Resources


  • 21st Century Recognition Program - note section on the state project as well as the goal setting for diversity, communication and technology.
  • AAUW Teleseminars - see good public policy info in the Communications seminar
  • NC Women United info: newsletter, report card - Do we want to be more intentional about connection to NCWU, support for preparation of the draft agenda and the Women's Agenda Assemblies this fall? In particular, the Public School Forum (not an NCWU member) has prepared this list of Education issues for the short session - can we champion these as part of the NCWU draft agenda?
  • Coalition on Aging agenda (to be distributed in New Bern; will be posted here soon). Do we want to leverage the work being done by Coalition representative Helen Martikainen for better visibility for AAUW?
  • El Pueblo on immigration reform - do we want to tackle this issue?
  • What other specific issues might we focus on during the next year?







  • All groups are responsible for looking at their areas in new ways to appeal to new communities. We may form a diversity task force to support this.
  • The Association's "theme team" approach encourages work across these areas.

This is an archive page for AAUW of North Carolina.
Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.