AAUW North Carolina Home Page  

Tar Heel News



 Vol. 50, No. 1
"Speak to the Mission"
Winter 2003



Tar Heel News

W03 issue
 Front page
 Public Policy


Branches Receive 21st Century Recognition

Ed. Note: We reported some projects in the Fall Tar Heel News. Here are two more. Congratulations to Brevard and Jacksonville Regional for their efforts. To learn more about the 21st Century Recognition program, see www.aauw.org or contact an AAUW NC branch listed on page one.

Brevard Branch * Platinum

Project: Used Book Sale for Funding Education and Equity for Women and Girls
* Promotes educational equity for women and girls at the national, state and local levels.
* Supports Educational Foundation, sent 2 elementary school girls to science camp, two middle school girls to Beta Club Leadership Training program, and funds scholarships for women at Brevard College and Blue Ridge Community College.
* Funds used to research and compile material for a Women In History quiz program in local elementary schools and a Women In History exhibit for the county library.
* Community impact-local businesses and organizations provide space for collection boxes for used books. We collected, sorted, priced, and alphabetized over 20,000 books donated by community members.
* Lesson learned: Scholarship recipients told us how our efforts changed their lives.
* Sale helped recruit new members and follow up on prospective members.
* Branch contacted over 26 diverse groups for participation and collaboration, including Brevard College, Boy Scouts, and Brevard Music Center. 19 collection boxes were placed at local business establishments. After sale unsold books were taken free of charge by the Schenck Job Corps, Habitat for Humanity store, Humane Society, Salvation Army, Women's prison in Asheville, local churches, and home school families.
* This project binds our membership together. The physical labor of lifting, sorting collecting and meeting each other at the warehouse prior to the sale for pricing and categories allows us to work with members we might not have known previously.
* Pricing guidelines for all parts of the project are neatly compiled into a handbook. Experienced members held workshops for all pricers, cashiers and floaters and they were fully mentored.
* Technology: Internet was used to contact used book dealers, an important segment of our customer base. Web sites were used in the pricing of choice, rare, and signed books.
* Watching new members work gives us an opportunity to involve them in leadership positions in our Branch.

Jacksonville Regional * Bronze

The Jacksonville Regional branch's project is designed to be a multi-year project. Much of the planning for the project was done last year. The branch assists a new teacher with supplies and support for her students. The county office supplied names of new teachers. A middle school teacher was selected. She attended two meetings and the branch offered her a free membership for one year. She provided her input on how the branch could support her. Our initial contribution was of school supplies for some of the students who did not have any.

One of the branch's goals was to find a way to provide smart, successful role models for young girls. Too many young girls, especially in the middle school, tend to hide their intelligence and to underestimate their abilities in math and science classes. Having students "shadow" a branch member at work for one day was one of the options that was considered.



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