AAUW North Carolina Home Page  

Tar Heel News



 Vol XLVIV No. 4
"Speak to the Mission"
Fall 2003



Tar Heel News

Fall 03 issue
 Front page
 Public Policy


Williams Reports on 2003 Convention. Shares Association Messages

[This is a somewhat longer version of the message printed in the Tar Heel News.]

Greetings and farewell.

I have just recently returned from Convention 2003. Taking the scenic route back to Georgia marks the beginning of my promise to self and family that I am now going to spend more time helping Ronnie to enjoy her golden years of retirement and lots of family, friends and fun stuff!

What I have been especially enjoying, has been sharing my excitement in showing and telling about the way that SAR actually stunned me into silence and tears, with such a beautiful and thoughtful surprise. Linus has his blanket,,,and I now have my pillow and blanket as a comfort and reminder that SAR cared enough to design and put together a work of labor and love. This is further proof of what I have known from day one...SAR is the BEST!!!...and I am better for having served as the Director for the past four years! I know that my successor, Ann Terry, will enjoy the cooperation, and learning/fun experiences as I did!

No, I don't plan to be dormant...Promoting and supporting the mission of
AAUW/SAR and EF/LAF has become a passion that I can't even imagine not actively pursuing......like forever...still at a steady...but slower speed!

The 43rd Biennial AAUW Convention is now history. Over 1000 attendees (combined for the Association Convention and Student Women's Leaders Conference) heard fabulous, energizing keynotes speakers, attended informative workshops and, of course, boisterous business sessions.   AAUW members are not afraid to offer their opinions. Being able to mingle with the young women who attended the Conference of College Women Student Leaders was invigorating. And the bonus was the lovely town of Providence, RI.  

For those who are interested, many of the keynotes and workshops were recorded.   They should be available soon online at www.aauw.org.  A recap of each day's
activities from Convention are also posted on the website; click on Convention then Convention Dailies to get all the information.

Our congratulations to All of our SAR Candidate winners who now represent SAR at the Association/EF/LAF decision-making tables. There are still openings on some Association committees (Program, College/University, and Public Policy).  If anyone out there is interested, you may go online at <www.aauw.org> and find information plus the vita form.   You may also ask your State President or Regional Director for the appropriate forms.

I am no longer on the Association Board LISTSERV, so, naturally I have not been receiving the latest. However, below are some key messages from the pre-convention Board meeting. But first and foremost, the important business of the convention itself:

Membership options were thoroughly discussed and none passed.

  • Opening the membership up to all interested in our mission was roundly defeated (369 in favor; 1069 opposed).
  • The vote to allow those with Associate degrees as members was closer but did not obtain the two-thirds majority vote necessary to pass (762 in favor; 640 opposed).
  • The dues procedure for an annual increase (1412 votes were cast, with 1220 YES and 192 NO) and the recommended annual increase amount of $2.00, amended
    to sunset at the 2009 convention, were strongly supported (1336 yes; 87 no).
  • All of these proposed bylaw amendments and the dues increase amount were done by card count, so that the votes from every branch and state at the convention
    were counted.
  • A resolution was passed to continue dialogue over the next two years throughout the states and branches on membership options and structure.

Key Messages from Association Pre-Convention Board:

  • A balanced budget for FY 03-04 was adopted.
  • The dues increase, beginning in July 2004, will help keep services that are important to members.
  • Association Staff worked hard at submitting requests that continued support for our important Public Policy programs, Membership Outreach and Association Programs that support the states and branches, but also stayed within the budget. Unfortunately, staff will not be receiving raises during this fiscal year.

The Board also reaffirmed commitment to the states and branches, focusing in particular on membership and leadership development.   For instance, we would like
to support branches which are struggling with leadership issues, looking at flexible ways to run branches (and states).

The 21st Century Recognition Program will continue with some tweaks (they are going to look at moving back the March 1st due date).  Not only did the program grow in numbers over the two years, many branches and states which did not apply still used the program as they set strategies for their year.

We are quite proud of our great Public Policy and Communication efforts. We were able to hold in place key elements of Title IX and worked hard on two judicial nominations we are particularly concerned about.   As we all know, court decisions can have great impact on policy, esp. at the lower court level (most cases do not make it to the Supreme Court), so whoever is appointed to federal courts can make a huge difference in decisions.

In terms of communication, our website has been redesigned to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. I hope you've had a chance to visit it recently.   As our website becomes more useful, we will be able to connect continually with both our branch members and members-at-large, having interactive conversations. We also encourage you to utilize the bulletin boards and chat rooms available through the AAUW Member Center. The use of these virtual facilities are free; ask your Regional Director for information on how to establish a chat room. There is a new thread started by an Association Board Working Group concerning branch structure and leadership issues. Check it out and add your opinion and/or experiences!

A Cross-Corporate Development Committee has been formed to coordinate and enhance giving for the Foundation, LAF and Association.   Rather than working
independently, the three corporations will be working together.

The Board voted to look at establishing a social-conscience responsibility policy to guide us in dealing with outside funders and grant makers.   As we branch out in our investments, in seeking grants and corporate sponsorships, we would like to have a policy in place that would have criteria which defines when to accept and when to decline an offer that may look great financially but may not be in alignment with our
mission.   Look for more information in the future.

In May, the Educational Foundation released its newest research report entitled “Women at Work”.  There is also an action guide that accompanies it. Everyone at
convention received a copy of both.   As in the past, each state and branch program chair should receive one.

Again I am appreciative of the support these past four years as your Regional Director.   I have loved working with you all.   I now am passing the torch to Ann Terry, annsterry@yahoo.com  who also was elected by her sister Regional Directors to serve as one of two Regional Directors on the Association Board.
SAR will, once again, be well represented!

Please make certain that information on all of your State/Cluster/Branch officers/contact persons has been routed to Ann.
I am sending Ann what I have...but there are only a few forms that have been sent to me.

As I requested at Convention. Ann will also need immediate information on any state meetings/conferences planned for the summer and fall months, so that she can arrange her schedule for possible attendance to some of them.

The SAR Caucus Minutes will be sent to state presidents after the three appointed readers have returned them to the Secretary. You indicated that you wanted to have specific amounts revealed, so, as promised, I will ask Ann to have the treasurer to indicate the amount that each state contributed to the SAR Fundraising effort, and add that report to the minutes.

This is possibly my final formal memo...
But SAR is filled with many, many folks that will be friends forever...



This is an archive page for AAUW of North Carolina.
Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.