AAUW North Carolina Home Page  

Tar Heel News



 Vol XLVIV No. 4
"Speak to the Mission"
Fall 2003



Tar Heel News

Fall 03 issue
 Front page
 Public Policy


Too Busy For Meetings? Join the N.C. On-line Satellite

The On-line Satellite is a vehicle to bring MAL's, members of other branches who find it difficult to attend their meetings, and give a "local touch" to members to be a part of AAUW online with an association to a branch. The members on-line may elect a chair and include chat room meetings with a speaker (such as a LAF plaintiff) who could not travel to a local branch meeting or online projects such as "how to mentor girls."

Winston-Salem Branch established a new branch board position of on-line satellite project chair combined with newsletter editor. Nancy Shoemaker, AAUW NC technology chair, advised and mentored our branch to help form the satellite. Some topics to look forward to this fall to include a program with B. Lara Lee, who is finishing her doctorate at UNCG in Women's Studies, and "Recruiting Across the Generations."

The on-line satellite is a dynamic component of AAUW NC to help all women and girls reach their full potential. The potential for lifelong learning and positive change that can happen at "this moment" with the structure of the Internet is endless.

Want to know more? Contact Judy Atkinson, geatkin@attglobal.net, 336.659.4709, or Louise Pickersgill, pickersgilljohn@aol.com, 336.768.7614, or see the AAUW NC web site, www.rtpnet.org/aauwnc/winston-salem/application.htm


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