AAUW North Carolina Home Page  

Tar Heel News



 Vol XLVIV No. 4
"Speak to the Mission"
Fall 2003



Tar Heel News

Fall 03 issue
 Front page
 Public Policy


AAUW NC 2004 Convention
Charlotte * March 26-28
Fellows at the EF Luncheon
Follow-up: "No Girl Left Behind"
Much, Much More!

Charlotte Branch is working hard to make the 2004 AAUW NC Convention a success and invites all members and members-at-large to attend.

Reservations are now available at Charlotte Marriott Executive Park, 704.527.9650 or 800. 541.4089 and using the code: AAV. If you prefer to use the Internet, the code is: AAVAAVA. Cost: $79 per night. The codes and the cost are the same for Thursday arrivals.

Mary Peterson, AAUW NC program vice-president, reports the committee is exploring new ideas for this convention, which will be announced at http://www.rtpnet.org/aauwnc/ as they evolve. Registration forms will be available in the Winter Tar Heel News and on the web site.


This is an archive page for AAUW of North Carolina.
Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.