Interesting Web Sites-Reports and Research
Please Note: When you select any of the below links you will leave the Tar Heel News website.
Thanks to Esther Lumsdon for pointing out an article on the new EF report:
The 3rd Shift: Women Learning Online
There is also a press release from Aug. 17 that appears related to that
On Sept. 25, members had the opportunity to talk with AAUW Executive
Director Jacqueline Woods in a live, moderated discussion about the future
direction of our organization. Read the transcript at
List of all the previous winners of the Juvenile Literature Award:
Report from the AAUW LAF Office:
Gender Intelligence examines factors that often impede the ability of women
faculty members to experience the same opportunities and rewards as their
male colleagues. It is a report on a January 2001 roundtable discussion
convened by the Association and the Knight Collaborative as a follow-up to
the 1999 Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT, and makes
suggestions to attack the issues that the Study documented. An online
version is available at
NC Women & Math Network Mentoring Program for women who have careers in the
fields of mathematics, science, or technology serves eighth grade girls
from public middle schools in Wake and Durham counties. Last year 162
students and 89 mentors took part in the program's eighth year. It aims to
encourage girls who have an interest in mathematics to "stay on the math
path." See: