American Association of University Women NC
Executive Committee
Telephone Conference
Saturday June 17, 2006 at 10am
Present: Shoemaker, White, Atkinson (K), Atkinson (J), Hoffler-Foushee
Board Appointments:
The EC approved the appointments of the following people to the AAUW NC Board:
Lil VanOrder/cochair fundraising, Queen Thompson/other, Marty Folsom/communications,
Ellen Morris/cochair convention, Rebecca Pfaff/cochair convention, Shelia Bassoppo-Moyo/CU
liaison, Pat Abell/nominating, Evelyn Lynge/cochair fundraising and Lois Ward/parliamentarian.
Regional AAUW Meeting
Nancy and five other members from North Carolina attended the meeting in Birmingham.
Discussion focused on the value of regional meetings and finding effective ways
to build strong relationships between states.
New Committee Structure
There are seven committees which constitute the new structure for AAUW NC.
These committees include:
1) EVENTS - Judy Atkinson, Doris Bernlohr, Ellen Morris and Rebecca Pfaff
2) COMMUNICATIONS - Marty Folsom, Karla Atkinson, Nancy Shoemaker, Connie Ochse
and Heather Ochse.
3) MEMBERSHIP/LEADERSHIP - Barbara White, Queen Thompson, Joan Robertson, Shelia
Bassoppo-Moyo and Pat Abell
4) ADVOCACY - Mary Peterson, Helen Martikainen, Etta Alston and Queen Thompson
5) FUNDRAISING - Lil VanOrder, Evelyn Lynge, Tina Ewing, Millie Hoffler-Foushee
and Rusty Bradke
6) ADMINISTRATION - Nancy Shoemaker, Millie Hoffler-Foushee, Pat Tilley, Lib Laney
and Lois Ward
7) OTHER/DIVERSITY - Queen Thompson to coordinate Nominating Committee composed
of Abell, Alston, Laney, C. Ochse and Lineberger
July 15 Leadership Meeting in Pinehurst from 9am - 2pm
The emphasis will be on building leadership for the new AAUW NC structure. Members
of the committees will break into small groups. However, it will be necessary
to conduct some Board business at this meeting.
The EC will meet at 7pm on Friday (July 14) evening.
October 20-21 Meeting in Statesville
The EC is recommending that the October Board meeting in Statesville include a
two-hour morning session featuring a Womens Assembly format. The Board will
take action on this recommendation at the July leadership meeting.
A full Board meeting is scheduled for Friday evening. Committees are expected
to generate a one-page report before each Board meeting.
AAUW NC Convention April 20-22, 2007 in Winston Salem
Open the Gates is the new theme for 2006 AAUW NC activities, working
off of Associations theme as Education as a Gateway to Womens
Economic Security.
The convention planning guidelines need to be reviewed and revised, especially
those guidelines dealing with budgeting for convention.
Branches will be asked to make recommendations for changes in the format and design
of the 2008 convention. Proposed changes must be approved by the AAUW NC Board.
The mini grant program for branch projects will be continued this upcoming year.
A member of the Executive Committee will be the contact for this program. The
mini grant applications will be forwarded to the appropriate committee which will
make recommendations to the EC.
AAUW NC has developed new criteria for 2006 - 2007 branch recognition awards,
based on a point system for action, membership, advocacy, fund raising and other
categories. Platinum, gold and silver awards will be given.
Queen Thompson is developing a book review guide for branches to discuss Blood
Done Sign My Name.
Using the Womens Assembly format at the October Board meeting
was discussed earlier (see EVENTS COMMITTEE DISCUSSION).
The Communications Committee is proposing that the Tar Heel News undergo significant
changes in format and design, beginning this fall. The Board will discuss and
act on these recommendations at the July meeting.
The EC also discussed how to keep branch presidents better informed in a timely
manner and what efforts are needed to keep AAUW NC activities before the public
(press releases, etc.).
Discussion also centered on how to get information about Association tool kits
and other resources to the branches.
Millie will act as the EC liaison to the Fundraising Committee.
It appears as if there are still some outstanding bills from convention. Millie
will prepare an end-of-year financial statement before the July 14 EC meeting
in Pinehurst.
The EC discussed the possibility of an EC retreat in late August but no decision
was made.
Another EC conference call is scheduled for July 8 at 10am.
A major task to be addressed by this committee is the revision and alignment of
AAUW NC policies with the new bylaws.
Also each of the committees will need to define specific goals for their group.
The conference call ended around 11:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karla Atkinson, Secretary
Approved: 14-Jul-2006
Last updated:
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