American Association of University Women NC
Spring Board Meeting
Renaissance Hotel, Asheville, North Carolina
April 15, 2005 7 PM
Branches Present: Asheville, Brevard, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Gaston Regional, Greensboro, Hendersonville, Jacksonville Regional, Raleigh/Wake, Salisbury, Sand Hills/Southern Pines,Statesville, Twin Rivers/New Bern, Wilmington and Winston-Salem
Officers and Committee Chairs Present: J. Hill, M. Peterson, E. Mercer, M. Hoffler-Foushee, K. Atkinson, R. Bradke, M. Folsom, L. VanOrder, S. Quisenberry, S. Abromitis, L. Jackson, S. Champion, B. Hamrick, N. Shoemaker, MF Schickedantz, L. Ward, J. Atkinson and E. Laney
President Joanne Hill called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM. She thanked everyone for taking time from this weekend to attend the meeting. She thanked members of the Asheville branch for their hospitality. Shirley Quisenberry of the Asheville Branch welcomed the group.
Karla Atkinson, secretary, called the roll and moved that the minutes of the October 2, 2004 Fall Board Meeting in Eden be approved. These minutes were approved by consensus.
A reading committee was appointed, including JoAnn Hall, Bernie Carpenter and Lois Ward.
Parliamentarian Lois Ward read the meeting rules which were adopted.
The agenda was accepted as presented.
Presidents Report
Joanne thanked the members of the program committee (Mary Peterson, Sandra Abromitis
and Peg Downes) who planned the Intergenerational Panel that afternoon at UNCA
and commented on the quality of the program. Approximately 50 people attended.
She noted that strategic planning continued at the winter retreat in Greensboro
and that identifying a state project which could be adopted by the branches was
a priority. Having a statewide project would be a vehicle for having an AAUW NC
collective voice as well as a recruitment tool.
She reminded Board members of the Association Convention in Washington in June
and noted that some branches did not receive convention packets of information.
Association notified Joanne that it did not have a contact point for information
for the following branches: Asheville, Greensboro, High Point, Kinston, Franklin
County, Raleigh/Wake, Salisbury, Winston Salem, Statesville and Twin Rivers. The
Board expressed their astonishment at this shortcoming in Associations record-keeping.
Joanne passed out delegate counts from Association to these branches which were
present at the Board meeting. Nancy Shoemaker will email branch points of contact
to Association and copy the Association membership chairperson, Christie Jones.
Several issues which will be central to discussions at Association Convention
were received by Joanne Hill. She will email this information to Nancy to be posted
on our web site.
Treasurers Report - Millie Hoffler-Foushee
Millie reminded Board members of the need to submit accurate, timely reimbursement
forms to her, even if the expense is being donated to AAUW NC. This is important
for budgeting purposes.
The timeline for collecting dues for this year has passed. Budgeted income
from dues, based on a projection of 1100 members this year, was short by $1,425.24.
She distributed a copy of the treasurers report ending 4/13/05. She has
closed the 13 month CD and moved this into another CD account with better interest.
The line item on interest income will be deleted.
She noted that income from fund raising is more than anticipated. Most of the
funds for administrative expenses will be spent by the end of the fiscal year.
The motion to accept the treasurers report as presented was approved. [See
treasurer's report as printed in the bulletin.]
Program Committee - Mary Peterson
Mary thanked Grace Walker, coordinator of this years convention in Asheville.
She also acknowledged her program committee which has been responsible for programming
throughout the year.
She recognized Marty Folsom for her design of program covers and convention graphics, as well as Nancy Shoemaker for developing information and convention registration forms on the web site.
She explained the colored ribbon coding system for name tags of attendees at convention. (Green means first timer and purple signifies a delegate.)
She noted that various coalitions, human/service agencies and nonprofit organizations had worked well together in putting together the convention program, thus achieving a diverse perspective on program planning.
Membership Committee - Evelyn Mercer
Evelyn mentioned that it has taken almost a year to appreciate what needs to be
done as Vice President for Membership. She stressed the importance of visiting
branches to support their recruitment efforts. Tomorrow at the luncheon she will
be distributing materials to the branches.
She reviewed the dues structure at Association level, reminding Board members that Association dues are now $43 and these dues will increase incrementally to $51 by the year 2010. State dues remain at $11. [2/1 membership report.]
SAR Report - Ann Terry
Ann encouraged all AAUW NC members to express their concerns to her or ask questions.
She gave an overview of the positions which will be filled at Association convention
election. Five at large directors will be elected. There is only one contested
election. Ann is running for Association Secretary. Leslie Henderson is running
for SAR coordinator.
Finance Committee - Sandra Abromitis
Sandra presented the proposed budget for 2005-2006. Her projections were based
on the latest information available in mid March 2005.
She noted that she was proposing to move $2000 from the checking account into a line item which would provide seed money for branch projects. She cautioned that before these funds were distributed, the Board should approve a clear set of guidelines for disbursing and accounting for these funds.
The motion to approve the budget as presented was offered and seconded.
Following a discussion of expense items, a motion to move $25 under EF Fellows
Liaison (line item 2214) to line item 2206 (Education Foundation) for a total
of $75 was seconded and approved.
Following a discussion of funds set aside in support of AAUW NC coalition partners, a motion to add a line item (2640) to pay coalition dues for North Carolina Voters for Clean Elections (NCVCE) was seconded and approved.
A motion to approve the 2005-2006 budget as amended was offered, seconded and approved. Sandra reminded Board members that the budget is a guideline and not an inflexible instrument for financial planning. [see budget as printed in the bulletin]
Bylaws Committee - Sandra Champion
Sandra alluded to the work which the Reconnection Committee had done to propose
the bylaws changes and asked Karla Atkinson to speak to the motion to accept the
proposed bylaw changes. Karla briefly summarized the changes and asked all Board
members to support the motion which will be offered tomorrow as part of the convention
business meeting.
Educational Foundation - Rusty Bradke
Rusty announced that $30,570 had been raised for the Educational Foundation. This
amount was less than last year but more than the $25 per person contribution which
Association encourages each member to make.
She thanked the branches for designing baskets which will be raffled during convention. All proceeds will go to EF, with each branchs contribution reflecting the amount collected in raffle tickets for their basket.
International Affairs - Shirley Quisenberry
Shirley gave an overview of the involvement of the Hendersonville Branch with
Costa Rica women who are members of IFUW. AAUW NC is a sister branch to Costa
Rica. The Hendersonville branch will be selling books at convention about the
Costa Rica initiatives, especially in health, and urged branches to purchase a
copy, then pass it along among members to read. A member of the Costa Rica IFUW
will be in North Carolina and hopefully will be able to visit several branches.
LAF - Lil VanOrder
LAF contributions fell short of the $10,000 goal, though $7,138 was raised. Eighteen
of 22 branches contributed. Ten of 22 branches contributed at least $5 per member.
Lil noted that contributions are higher from branches which have designated a
LAF coordinator for their branch.
Though AAUW NC did not receive a travel grant this year, LAF president Leslie Annexstein will speak at the LAF breakfast on Sunday morning.
Lil reminded attendees that the EF and LAF merger had been completed. However, contributions will still be given separately to EF and LAF -- not a merged organization.
College University Relations - Lola Jackson
Lola noted that the college/university partnership with the Greensboro branch
and Bennett College will be the subject of one of the workshops at convention.
Public Policy - Mary Peterson for Mary Stephens
Mary announced that the AAUW policy on Social Security will be distributed at
the workshop tomorrow. Also Barbara Ann Hughes has provided extra packets of information
for those unable to attend NCWUs Advocacy Day in Raleigh. The event proved
successful, with 200 attendees in person and over 450 participants involved in
virtual advocacy (emailing). AAUW branches were represented at the event.
21st Century Branch Recognition - Mary Fran Schickedantz
Mary Fran will be presenting certificates to 22 branches at the banquet tomorrow
evening. She is collecting all branch information gathered from the recognition
surveys in a booklet. This information is most useful, the Board agreed, to identify
the talents and specialties among branch members and hopefully capitalize
on these to support AAUW NC efforts.
Historian - Nancy Shoemaker for Clara Allen
Nancy Shoemaker has collected all remaining copies of the 75 year AAUW NC history
(about two boxes). Though they are still for sale, there are the possibilities
of giving some copies away, lowering the price and/or giving them as a bonus for
early membership in the 100 Club this year -- all in an effort to reduce the remaining
Administrative Asst/Housing - Judy Atkinson
Judy announced she still has two dates to fill for housing meetings: There is
no date or location for the 2005 Summer Leadership Conference and the 2006 Summer
Leadership Conference. She asked interested branches to contact her. Finding a
date and location for this summers leadership conference will be referred
to the Executive Committee.
The 2005 Fall Board Meeting will be held in Chapel Hill (date:TBA). The 2006 AAUW
NC convention will be held in New Bern on March 31-April 2. The 2007 AAUW NC Convention
will be held in Winston-Salem (date: TBA).
Resolutions - Elizabeth Laney
Lib will submit one resolution tomorrow at the business meeting from the Brevard
branch on supporting Public Confidence in Elections legislation.
Tar Heel News - Marty Folsom
In keeping with the six-week mailing target date, copy will need to be sent to
Marty by May 10. The anticipated mailing date is June 1.
Technology - Nancy Shoemaker
No report.
Unfinished Business
Much of the work of the ReConnection Committee is completed or close to being
Branches were reminded to submit information for the memorial service on Sunday
morning to Ruth Moody as soon as possible.
New Business
Details about the raffle, convention reception and meeting/meal locations were
South Carolina AAUW has established an endowment under the Educational Foundation
in the name of SAR Director Ann Terry. Congratulations were offered!
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karla Atkinson, Secretary
Approved: 30-Jul-2005
Last updated:
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