American Association of University Women NC
Fall Board Meeting
Eden City Hall - Eden, North Carolina
October 2, 2004
Branches Present: Brevard, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Eden, Greensboro, High Point, Jacksonville, Raleigh/Wake, Statesville, Twin Rivers/New Bern, Wilmington, Winston-Salem
Officers and Committee Chairs Present: J. Hill, M. Peterson, E. Mercer, M. Hoffler-Foushee, K. Atkinson, M. Stephens, M. Folsom, N. Shoemaker, Q. Thompson, L. Van Order, L. Jackson, L. Rumbley, MF Schickedantz, L. Ward, J. Atkinson, L. Sarkis, E. Laney
President Joanne Hill called the meeting to order at 9:15 AM. She thanked everyone for taking time from this weekend to attend the meeting. She thanked members of the Eden branch for their hospitality. Suzanne Barton, Co-President of the Eden Branch, welcomed the group.
Karla Atkinson, secretary, called the roll and moved that the minutes of the July 2004 Summer Board Meeting be approved. These minutes were approved by consensus.
A reading committee was appointed, including Mary Fran Schickedantz, Lill Van Order and Lois Ward.
Parliamentarian Lois Ward read the meeting rules which were adopted.
The agenda was presented; an amendment to add two minutes for a report from the Diversity Committee was approved. The agenda was accepted as amended.
Presidents Report - Joanne Hill
Joanne noted that much of the information she has received from Association since
the summer Board meeting has either been passed along via the list serve and/or
printed in the Tar Heel News.
Asking for a show of hands, she asked how many branches had already completed
their member survey (a few branches have).
She announced that Blonnie Bunn Wyche has been selected as this years winner
of the Juvenile Literature Award. Her book is entitled The Anchor P. Moore, Proprietor.
The award will be presented on November 19 in Raleigh. Wyche is a member of AAUW
- Wilmington Branch.
The Pembroke branch is not disbanding but rather, given new energy, is busy recruiting
new members.
Joanne thanked Nancy Shoemaker for her work in setting up the recent statewide
electronic meeting on Saturday, September 27. Members of the Executive Committee
participated in this meeting, working on setting the agenda for the October 2
Board meeting and reviewing financial reports.
Financial Report - Millie Hoffler-Foushee for Sandra Abromitis
Millie made a distinction between the financial report and the treasurers
report. The treasurers report covers income and expenses on a monthly basis.
The financial report compares budgeted income and expenses with actual, year to
date income and expenses on a quarterly basis, based on the budget which was adopted
for 2004-2005.
The number of members to date is 937, compared to a projected membership of 1166.
She reviewed various line items in the budget. Total income to date is $11,544.
Total expenses to date are $1179.76.
She reviewed the procedure for Board members to be reimbursed for expenses and
noted that a reimbursement form
is printed on line at our web site ( She announced that reimbursements
will not be honored if they are submitted more than 30 days from the date an expense
was incurred. All expenses should be submitted, including those from members who
wish to make an in-kind donation instead of receiving reimbursement.
Treasurers Report - Millie Hoffler-Foushee
Total income since 7/23/04 is $3,967. Total expenses since 7/23/04 are $1,018.76.
Millie will put the end-of-year treasurers report from last year on-line.
The Board discussed the need to have two audits of these financial records which
were compiled before Millies term began on 7/01/04. Lill Van Order will
check into the possibility of finding a pro bono auditor.
The Board agreed that tracking monthly treasurers reports was unnecessary.
In the future only YTD actuals will be presented in the financial report at Board
Program - Mary Peterson
Mary announced the theme for convention this year: Purpose-Power-Progress.
She will meet in Asheville next weekend with the Director of the NC Center for
Creative Retirement to discuss cosponsorship of an intergenerational
conference which would be held on Friday, April 15 - the day before convention.
She will also review convention details with those in Asheville who are planning
the conference. Online registration will be encouraged. The program committee
will meet during lunch today to firm the format and content of programs for convention.
LAF and EF breakfasts are also scheduled to be held at convention.
Mary also encouraged people to donate frequent flier miles to support bringing
a leader-on-loan or other outside guest as a keynote speaker at the convention.
She is planning to meet soon with Salisbury and Chapel Hill branches to assist
them with planning programs.
Membership - Evelyn Mercer
Evelyn distributed a copy of the membership survey and asked Board members to
complete the survey and return it to her before the end of todays Board
meeting. She is seeking more input from branch membership vice presidents before
presenting some firm ideas about recruitment of new members.
AAUW NC currently has 22 paid branches; the addition of Pembroke (see note above)
will bring the total number of paid branches to 23.
LAF Report - Lil Van Order
Lil encouraged branches to make generous LAF donations as soon as possible. LAF
contributions are a bit slow right now. She also reminded branches to notify her
if branch members make contributions to LAF other than those made through AAUW
NC. To date $3,931 has been raised for LAF; the states goal is $10,000 by
the end of this calendar year. An LAF breakfast will again be part of 2005 convention
Federal Public Policy - Mary Stephens
Mary S. thanked Mary Peterson for all her help in orienting her to the new job
as federal public policy coordinator. She reminded Board members of the upcoming
election and urged everyone to take advantage of early voting opportunities.
Nominating Committee - Linda Sarkis
Linda indicated that some of the committees initial contacts with potential
nominees have been looking good. The committee will submit nominations
in time for the slate to be printed in the January issue of the THN.
Technology - Nancy Shoemaker
Nancy reviewed the logistics of conducting the on-line meeting last Saturday with
the Executive Committee. She suggested that getting the entire AAUW NC Board on
line for a similar meeting would be more difficult. She compared some of the advantages
and disadvantages of using telephone conferencing with web conferencing, including
costs. Having smaller committees communicate on-line might be a more workable
way to capitalize on the technology available for group meetings of members from
across the state. She encouraged Board members to continue discussing how on-line
meeting/ conferencing could improve communication among state Board members and
between state and branch members.
Tar Heel News - Marty Folsom
Marty circulated extra copies of the THN and reminded Board members of the deadlines
for the upcoming issues. The spring issue deadline is January 18, 2005, with the
mailing date set for February 16. She reviewed some of the new features in the
newsletter, including the Wish List and Members in the News
columns. Though space is often limited, she asked all Board members, especially
committee chairs, to prepare something for each newsletter. Information from branches
which briefly notes what branches did as part of voter education efforts, for
example, could be included in the spring newsletter.
AAUW NC Recognition Program - Marty Folsom and Mary Fran Schickedantz
Members of the committee charged with developing criteria for this program include
Marty Folsom, Nancy Shoemaker, Phyllis Guberman and Mary Fran Schickedantz.
The AAUW NC recognition program replaces the 21st Century Recognition Program
which Association previously administered. (Please note: the criteria for recognizing
state AAUW organizations will remain the same. State applications will be reviewed
by regional directors).
Mary Fran distributed an outline of the proposed program, noting the importance
of simplifying the application process for branches. The time frame for the application
would be for calendar year 2004. Deadline is February 15, 2005 for recognition
that would be given at the 2005 April convention.
The application would request that branches to submit a written narrative that
addresses make-up of membership, EF and LAF initiatives and programs supported
by members, among other things. The committee will continue to meet to decide
who will receive and/or review the applications from branches. Mary Fran noted
that the recognition program would be a useful tool for identifying exactly what
branches have been doing and that state committee chairpersons should also find
this information helpful. Mary Fran stressed that the recognition program as it
is currently outlined is an interim way to learn more about branch activities
-- and not necessarily a cut-in-stone approach to a statewide recognition program.
Convention Guidelines - Marty Folsom
The committee to review and revise the convention guidelines includes Marty Folsom,
Lil Van Order and Mary Peterson. Marty presented an overview of the format of
the Convention Guidelines document, stressing the importance of having revised
the document to make it more concise and timely (officer/board member updates
and deadlines have been included). The technology relevant to hosting a convention
reference materials have also been updated.
Each member of the convention committee will find a section in the document which
follows an identical format and includes specific deadlines and responsibilities
applicable to that committee member. Copies of these revised
convention guidelines will be mailed to members of the 2005 convention planning
committee. The document will eventually be posted on our web site. Marty emphasized
that the guidelines are a working document that can be reviewed and,
if necessary, revised after every convention.
Cluster Committee -Joanne Hill for Joan Robertson
The cluster dates are printed on the agenda for todays meeting. The dates
include Traid (Oct. 2), Foothills (Oct. 16), Mountain (Oct. 23), Southeast Coastal
(Feb. 19, 2005) and Triangle (April 2).
Administrative Assistance - Judy Atkinson
Judy announced some upcoming state convention dates (AAUW NC on April 15-17, 2005
in Asheville; National Association on June 24-27, 2005 in Washington). Both she
and President Hill emphasized planning now for conventions scheduled for 2006,
2007 and 2008. Branches were encouraged to host a state convention or Board meeting,
with an understanding that the schedule of various meetings should reflect a geographical
rotation throughout the state. New Bern/Jacksonville are looking into the possibility
of hosting the 2006 state convention.
Historian - Joanne Hill for Clara Allen
As noted in earlier AAUW NC Board notes, all branches have received information
about what is to be sent and/or kept for the historical records.
Diversity - Queen Thompson
Queen summarized what Charlotte has been doing to support get out the vote
efforts and urged every branch to stay involved throughout the year with voter
education activities.
She outlined two proposals which AAUW NC could adopt as a focus for directing
branch activities.
The first proposal encourages local branches to seek organizational partners that
would work in concert with local AAUW members to monitor and assess the status
of educational equity in their local schools, with a focus on enrollment patterns
and vocational education. One assessment tool was presented as an example.
The second proposal addresses the development of a diversity program at the branch
level, including a local self-assessment of diversity among the branch membership.
The proposal also calls for each branch developing specific strategies aimed at
diversifying its membership. One assessment tool was again presented as an example.
The Board agreed that the proposals merited further discussion at an AAUW NC Board
Reconnection Goal VI - Karla Atkinson
Karla quickly summarized the task of the Goal VI committee and pointed to some
of the lessons learned from interviews and feedback with local branch members.
She presented nine different scenarios which would affect the structure of the
state Board if they were adopted. Small groups gave some feedback. She agreed
to develop a more detailed scenario for those structural changes which Board members
generally agreed merited more discussion. (See notes on winter Board retreat below).
Resolutions - Elizabeth Laney
Lib reviewed the process and deadlines for submitting resolutions and urged those
on both sides of the aisle to be prepared to speak whenever a resolution
was presented for adoption.
International Affairs - Joanne Hill for Shirley Quisenberry
Information re. the AAUW-IFUW relationship has been posted on the list serve;
links for more information can also be found there.
100 Club - Nancy Shoemaker
Nancy explained the 100 Club proposal, noting that membership is open to anyone
who contributes $100 to AAUW NC or gives at least 100 hours of service in support
of branch or AAUW NC activities. She distributed a copy of the forms which will
used to apply for 100 Club membership and reviewed the policy changes which must
be made to implement the 100 Club project.
The motion to approve the document entitled AAUW NC Policy Changes to Implement
the AAUW NC 100 Club was seconded. The motion to amend these proposed policy changes
by deleting the phrase and announced to the branches by July 1, 2005
was seconded and approved.
The motion to change the AAUW NC policies to include the amended version of the
document entitled AAUW NC Policy Changes to Implement the AAUW NC 100 Club was
unanimously approved. The policies will now read:
Add a section before VIII (Finances) for Recognition
AAUW NC shall recognize the contributions of its members and its branches through
the following means.
A. AAUW NC 100 Club
1. The AAUW NC 100 Club shall recognize members of AAUW NC who
during a calendar year make a financial contribution of at least $100 to AAUW
NC or devote at least 100 hours to AAUW at any level.
2. Those who make a financial contribution of at least $100 may also designate
their contribution "in honor" of someone.
3. Members of the club and the honorees will be recognized at the state convention.
4. The President shall be responsible for announcing the application procedures,
and appointing a working group to certify the club members and to work with the
Program VP to ensure that the recognition at convention is appropriate.
The Treasurer shall be an ex officio member of this working group.
B. AAUW NC Branch Recognition Program
AAUW NC values its branches and their contributions to advancing the AAUW mission
and shall implement a local recognition program to recognize these efforts. The
President shall be responsible for ensuring this program is implemented.
Changes to VIII.E: Finances- Administrative and Miscellaneous
Change section 3 from
Reimbursement for travel and lodging to board meetings for all elected and appointed
officers and chairs shall be charged to Administrative Expenses.
Reimbursement for travel to board meetings and convention shall be charged to
"Travel." Reimbursement for lodging shall be charged to "State
Add section VIII.G: Finances - Fundraising
1. All proceeds from fundraising shall be reported as income and broken down on
the Treasurer's report to show the source of the funds (e.g. sales of pins, 50-50
raffle, AAUW NC 100 Club), etc.
2. Any fundraising income that is earmarked for a special purpose (e.g. SAR, officer
expenses where the officer donates the money to the 100 Club rather than claiming
reimbursement) shall be reported as an expense in the current year, on the appropriate
line on the Treasurer's report.
Strategic Planning - Mary Fran Schickedantz and Joanne Hill
Mary Fran and Joanne led the Board through a process of deciding what needs to
happen to ensure the long term success of AAUW NC. The process involved individual
brainstorming, with individuals ideas then grouped by category by consensus.
Categories were then prioritized by consensus. Deciding which of the ideas are
strategies and which are outcomes was the final step of the process. (This exercise
was not completed because of time constraints. The discussion will continue at
the winter Board retreat meeting. See next note).
Winter Board Retreat
The Board will meet on Friday evening, January 28, and Saturday, January 29, for
the sole purpose of continuing the discussion of strategic planning and the Reconnection
committee work. Regular business items will not be included on the
agenda. The meeting will be held in Greensboro/High Point. Details will follow.
Joanne emphasized the importance of having at least one member from each branch
attend this meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karla Atkinson, Secretary
Approved: 15-Apr-2005
Last updated:
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