Mary Jo Pribble called the meeting to order at 9:20 p.m. She
expressed pleasure at being in Burlington and called on Marcia Isley,
President of the Alamance Branch, to welcome the members of the board.
Secretary: Pat Abell called the roll. Seventeen officers and nine
branch representatives were present. Total attendance was fifty-six
members. The minutes had been distributed and were approved by a reading
committee. The minutes were accepted as printed. President Pribble
appointed a reading committee consisting of Mary Fran Schickedantz,
Nancy Shoemaker, and Doris Bernlohr to read and correct the Fall Board
Mary Jo Pribble stated that Janet Weber had resigned her position
as Web Manager due to family responsibilities. Nancy Shoemaker agreed to
combine the position with her present position of Computer Technology
Parliamentarian: Bertha Holt, substituting for Nelda Howell, gave
the rules of the meeting, which were adopted by unanimous vote.
Presidents Report: President Pribble told members that the AAUW/NC
Finance Guidelines had been placed in their packets of information. The
Summer Board approved these guidelines to be incorporated in the AAUW/NC
policy Statement July 20, 2001. Members were instructed to place the
guidelines with the policy statement.
From Association:
1. Educational Foundation Eleanor Roosevelt Fellowships have been
changed making application easier. These scholarships are not being
applied for in sufficient numbers. She encouraged members to publicize
these scholarships.
2. The Association continues the note card project due to the large
contributions received from mailings. Association is also mailing
calendars to generate contributions.
3. The Communications Plan for 2001-2003 was conceived to improve the
communication of information about AAUWs mission and goals, and to
emphasize using the logo, and the teal color.
4. AAUW Committee appointments to be made at this time by the AAUW Board
of Directors are the chair and three members to the Resolutions
Committee, and two state presidents to the Conference of State
Presidents Planning Committee. Appointments to be made by the AAUW
President are the chair and three members to the Convention Procedures
Committee. Interested members should notify President Pribble.
5. President Pribble emphasized the position of AAUW in the use of the
name of AAUW. Reference to membership shall be interpreted as use of the
name. Use of the name is reference to the policies of AAUW.
Treasurers Report: Bobbie Edmisten had distributed the treasurers
report. The balance included money to be taken from the reserves. Ten
branches had not sent in any dues money. She urged support of the dues
increase. Doris Bernlohr asked when the dues increase would go into
effect if passed. Bobbie determined that the increase would go into
effect, if passed, after the Spring 2002 Convention. The motion to
accept the treasurers report passed. Bobbie reminded members to send
dues in as soon as paid.
Membership: Sue Metz said that many of the membership initiatives
were still in place. Retention of members is a particular concern.
Members were urged to remember the Give a Grad a Gift and Emerging
Leaders Programs. She suggested that new grads do a project for the
branch for a membership. Shape the Future Membership Campaign allows new
members to join at a reduced rate. Lists showing branches with over
fifty members and fewer than twenty were displayed. She suggested that
the small branches were at risk and might welcome help from another
Committee Reports:
Diversity Chair, Diane Caldwell pointed out that there were
no members in attendance younger than forty. We need to recruit younger
members and retain them by pairing them with an officer or committee
member of the branch. Diane discussed the culture of Islamic and
Hispanic women and encouraged members to recruit new members among these
groups with understanding and respect for their cultural background.
Educational Foundation Chair, Claudia Rose announced that the
list of fellows for the year in NC, the contributions list, the fund
balances and number of scholarships in NC were included in each Branch
Folder and were submitted to the web site.
The Association is encouraging branches to sponsor an Eleanor
Roosevelt Walk/Run. The Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem
Branches are considering having a walk/run at the spring Convention. The
Convention Planning Committee was encouraged to consider having a
Fellows Liaison, Chair Amelia Mitchell was absent.
Educational Equity Chair, Allene Poe was absent.
International Relations Chair, Shirley Quisenberry was
absent. She worked very long days at the IFUW Conference and had knee
surgery after her return. President Pribble reported that Costa Rica is
now a full member of IFUW. We had been helping pay their dues to the
IFUW until they became full members again.
Legal Advocacy Fund Chair, Doris Bernlohr reported a total of
$2, 408.00 received up to now, a long way from the goal of $10,000.
Goals are set by the membership total of February 2001 times five
dollars. She asked that money be sent to her by December 1, 2001. A
written report was submitted to the web site.
Having a Fund Raiser for LAF will raise a Branch to the next
level of the Recognition Program.
Public Policy Chair, State, Barbara Ann Hughes asked the
members to oppose the Vitter Amendment, which would restrict funds to
Title X Family Planning Facilities and contact their congress person.
She had recently participated with other State Public Policy Chairs in a
conference call concerning the use of technology and advancing public
policy through technology by the use of Chat Rooms, Internet Bulletin
Boards, State Web Sites, and Association Web Sites. She is considering
topics for a workshop at the Spring Convention and suggested that a
study of the reporting of the gender equity of boards and commissions
required by the state and how this might be supported by AAUW/NC would
be a possible topic.
NC Women United holds monthly meetings, which Barbara Ann attends.
She will report on the meetings on the AAUW/NC web site.
College/University Relations Chair, Phyllis Doster was
Cluster Coordinator, Virginia Palmer announced that the
Foothills Cluster was meeting in Mooresville and the Mountain Cluster
was meeting in Brevard on Oct 13, 2001. Sandhills/Triangle Cluster in
Raleigh, and Southeast Coastal in Kinston scheduled the next two cluster
meetings for February 23, 2001. Either Virginia or Mary Jo Pribble will
attend them. Mary Jo asked that clusters meetings be scheduled on
different days.
21st Century Recognition Program Chair, Laura Rumbley outlined
the project for the state. The deadline for the Branch Support Plan was
extended until March 1. She suggested that branches do what they are
comfortable with and capable of doing. She went over the sheet for
Actions for the State Application. (Sheet attached) Members discussed
the actions and made suggestions for changes.
Historian Chair, Clara Allen encouraged members to order
copies of the AAUW/ NC History. The book has been submitted to the
Nominating Committee Chair, Lill Van Order had no report at
this time.
Tar Heel News Chair, Marty Folsom announced the deadline for
receiving reports was Oct. 27 and publication date was Nov. 26. She
explained that the delay in mailing of the last Tar Heel News was caused
by USPS policy.
President Pribble announced that Nancy Shoemaker would assume
the duties of Web Site Manager due to the resignation of Janet Weber.
Her title has been changed to Technology Chair. Nancy asked each branch
to elect a Technology Chair or appoint someone to be on her committee
and assist her. She will move the NC Web Site to a new space with the
same server and AAUW/NC will pay for the site. She submitted a written
report discussing how branches can ensure that they know what technology
is possible. She also forwarded the Associations media contact list
with a request for updates.
Housing Coordinator Gelene Lineberger was unable to attend but
had sent her report. Mooresville would host the Fall Board meeting in
Unfinished Business:
After a check of the Bylaws and Policy
Statement the dues increase would become effective in 2002 2003.
Branch presidents need to communicate with members to explain the
necessity of the dues increase. Mary Peterson suggested that the purpose
of AAUW/NC and the availability of Board members to help Branch members
should be restated in the newsletter. Lou Dean Howard said that Board
officers need to communicate with their counterparts on the Branch
level. Diane Caldwell asked that we examine the needs of the members to
help them see the value of State and National support. Marty Folsom said
that the strength of AAUW lies in the connections with State and
National officers.
Marty Folsom asked Mary Jo to oversee the reports of branch
reaction to soliciting advertising for the Tar Heel News. Several
branches had a negative response. High Point Branch suggested that the
State charge a publication fee. Sandra Champion suggested that the
Newsletter seek a sponsor or underwriter for the Newsletter. Marty
Folsom agreed to pursue this alternative solution. The sponsor should
have no political ties. Several statewide sponsors were suggested such
as Bank of America, Pepsi, Kinkos, Lowes, Home Depot and Krispy Kreme.
$2000 was suggested as the amount needed and four sponsors at $500 would
be the goal.
Nancy Shoemaker reported on the Ad Hoc Committee on Meeting
Attendance due to the absence of Sandra Abromitis. Nancy asked that the
survey on meeting attendance be completed and returned.
Grace Knechtal announced that the program committee would meet at
Lee Laidlaw requested that Branches be more diligent about sending
the officers lists to her. Officers should be in touch with their
counterpart and must know who the counterparts are.
The meeting was recessed for lunch at 12:00pm.
New Business:
Carolyn Taylor, Convention 2002 Arrangements Chair,
gave the information for the convention. Prices on meals are $17 for
lunch and $27 for dinner. Registration fee is $30 for the 75th
anniversary convention. The hotel, which was the Sheraton and then the
Hilton, is now the Marriott. Members may start registering now. The
registration form will be on line. Fees may be sent in later. Grace
Knechtal outlined the three workshops for the a.m. A town hall meeting
will be held in the p.m. The Leader on Loan application has been mailed
and Grace is waiting to hear who it will be. She has requested Jackie
Woods. The secretary, Pat Abell, will contact Beth Farohki to ask for
her assistance in finding out this information.
The Counterparts Session was held at this time.
Clara Allen discussed her interest in the new Geriatric Unit at the
North Carolina Medical Center. She asked for approval of the membership
of AAUW/NC in the NC Coalition on Aging. Bobbie Edmisten moved that
AAUW/NC join the Coalition on Aging and accept the $35 anonymously
donated membership fee for this year. The motion was approved. Clara
Allen would recommend someone interested in attending the meeting.
Open Forum:
Lill Van Order asked if any State AAUWs own a house.
Several states were named.
Mary Jo Pribble and Sue Metz get inquiries about branch membership.
The AAUW/NC 800 number is not very busy. Sue Metz reported that the line
cost $40 last year. She reminded members that the number is
Laura Rumbley said that she had been thinking about the Summer
Leadership Conference. Usually it is held in the Presidents hometown.
She offered to hold the Conference in a more centrally located town than
Jacksonville. Lou Dean Howard of the High Point Branch volunteered to
host the Summer Board meeting and Leadership Conference in July 2002,
the second or third weekend.
Pat Abell announced that the quilt squares given by the member
States of the South Atlantic Region to Beth Farohki at the end of her
term as Director in 1999 had been pieced and quilted by Pat and Bobbie
Edmisten. Beth has been invited to receive the quilt at the November 19,
2001, meeting of the Statesville Branch. Sandra Champion, who was NC
State president during that time, will also attend the meeting.
Mary Fran Schickedantz gave out PVC pipe pieces for the banners to
be made by the Branches and assured members that the old banners would
be displayed at the convention.
Sue Metz announced that following the Adopt a Branch counterparts
session Greensboro is going to work with Alamance, Wilmington will
contact the Kinston Branch, and Jacksonville has offered to help
Bobbie Edmisten asked if anyone was keeping a scrapbook of State
AAUW activities. She and other members have photos that need to be
preserved. No one remembered a historian being appointed. Mary Fran
Schickedantz said that some information has been put on microfilm. She
suggested that the pictures be photographed and placed on a digital
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.
Pat Abell, Secretary