AAUW NC Strategic Plan



AAUW is committed to making a significant impact on education and equity for all women and girls. We will remove barriers and develop opportunities to enable women and girls to reach their full potential. This shared vision drives the work of AAUW at all levels. -- credited to the American Association of University Women.


1. Provide access to leadership 1. Change traditional paths to leadership 1.1 Publish information and brief job descriptions for all available state positions in Tarheel News

1.2 Encourage branches to survey members for interest in leadership positions on state and local levels

2. Provide models for leadership 2.1 Research alternative models from many sources

2.2 Generate a climate for creative thinking

2. Develop leadership skills 1. Foster individual growth as well as skills in group and coalition leadeship 1.1 Include leadership training at each cluster meeting

1.2 Provide advanced leadership training for all state board members and branch members in attendance at the Summer Leadership Training meeting

1.3 Utilize the leadership toolkit for branches

3. Create leadership position on AAUW-NC board 1. Review materials created by Association Director of Leadership 1.1 Develop job description for leadership position

1.2 Solicit applications from all interested members, both branch and members-at-large


1. Be recognized as the leading advocate in NC for equity issues 1. Increase branch activism on educational equity issues 1.1 Maintain communication of AAUW-NC Chair for Educational Equity with branch chairs

1.2 Encourage sharing of information on successful projects on Educational Equity

1.3 Provide appropriate follow-up of Sister-to-Sister Summits by seeking ways to implement suggestions developed during the Summits

2. Increase visibility of AAUW-NC by addressing Public Policy issues that affect educational equity 2.1 Continue to work in coalition with other organizations to sponsor Women's Advocacy Day at the NC Legislature

2.2 Work in coalition with other organizations at the state and local levels on equity issues

2.3 NC Public Policy Chair will continue to provide information to branch chairs

3. Work to achieve a 60% voting level among NC women 3.1 Encourage branch efforts on voter registration and participation and encourage the sharing of information on successful branch projects in this area
4. Increase EF and LAF contributions each year 4.1 AAUW-NC EF and LAF Chairs will continue to provide information to branch chairs

4.2 Encourage branches to get to know AAUW Fellows studying in NC

2. Increase awareness of the status of women and girls around the world 1. Encourage programs on the status of women and girls in other countries 1.1 Provide information to branches in the Tarheel News on the IFUW Bina Roy Partnership of AAUW-NC and Costa Rica

1.2 AAUW-NC International Relations Chair will continue to provide information at state meetings, through the Tarheel News and to branches on IFUW, the Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund for University Women, Inc. and other matters


1. Become an organization which reflects the diversity of the AAUW-NC eligible population 1. Encourage the development of branch diversity plans 1.1 Supply branch diversity chairs with AAUW-NC, demographic surveys, and materials for use in developing their own unique diversity plan

1.2 Contact branch chairs periodically to assist in implementation of their plans

2. Clarify and expand understanding of diversity 2.1 Disseminate information to all AAUW-NC members through the Tarheel News
2. Create an organizational climate in which diversity is fully embraced 1. Board/committee membership, as well as programming reflects NC diversity 1.1 Use materials from AAUW, coalitions, and personal contacts to raise awareness of the need to diversify
2. Develop diverse leadership at state and branch levels 2.1 Encourage networking and coalitions with diverse organizations

2.2 Approach talented individuals of diverse backgrounds for membership and future leadership

3. Increase and diversify AAUW-NC membership and strengthen retention 1. Encourage branch committees to monitor membership growth and retention 1.1 Committee evaluates impact of branch procedures, plans, events,and publicity on members of diverse groups in their community
2. Encourage branch programs that attract members of diverse backgrounds and interests 2.1 Encourage programs enabling members to share their cultural and ethnic heritages

2.2 Target professionals of a variety of careers as a means of building occupational diversity

3. Seek increased student affiliate membership 3.1 AAUW members at colleges and universities assist in recruiting student affiliates

3.2 Contact friends attending college; encourage and support joining AAUW

4. Explore formation of additional branches including work place branches 4.1 Encourage branches to identify possible sites for new branches

4.2 Encourage branches to make work place contacts as appropriate in their local area


1. To effectively communicate with the public and between and among AAUW members 1. Know target audience and how to reach them 1.1 Know messages you want to convey and send consistent messages
2. Strengthen communication between board members and branches 2.1 Be able to communicate with every board member and at least one member in each branch via e-mail

2.2 Encourage branches to report activities at board meetings

2.3 Encourage board members to report to their respective branches

2.4 Encourage the development of branch home pages with links to the state home page; include board membership and contact information on state home page

2. Increase the visibility of AAUW-NC 1. Increase visibility through increased use of available media and other contacts 1.1 Use mission statement and logo on all publicity whenever possible

1.2 Provide AAUW phone listing whenever possible

1.3 Emphasize publicity for Association, state and branch projects

1.4 Train branch publicity chairs on all media use

1.5 Conduct state.branch workshops to train individual members to market AAUW

1.6 Build coalitions around our issues of education and equity for women and girls

1.7 Identify ourselves as AAUW members when we participate in other groups

2. Increase number of C/U members and work more closely with colleges and universities 2.1 Inform college administrators of AAUW institutional membership benefits

2.2 Ask C/U representatives to maintain an AAUW home page with links to admission and scholarship opportunities for women (or at minimum a link to AAUW somewhere on the campus website)

3. Utilize technology for cost effective information sharing 1. Maintain interlinked websites: Association home page, state and branch home pages, with other links to meaningful resources to women 1.1 Aggressively pursue and promote the development of home pages

Last modified 29-Oct-01
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