AAUW North Carolina Home Page



The domain AAUWNC.ORG


AAUW NC now has its own domain

As of September, 2003, you can reach AAUW NC on the web with the address "www.aauwnc.org". This new address "points" to the current web site at "www.rtpnet.org/aauwnc" and the old address will continue to work for the foreseeable future. However, please use the new address on all collateral you hand out that refers to the AAUW NC web site. It is now the "permanent" address.

New mail addresses

Aside from quicker access to the web site home page, the first benefit you will see from this new domain is that a number of e-mail "aliases" have been set up for the officers and committees.

You can reach the members of the executive committee at the following addresses:


In other words, you can now use "president@aauwnc.org" where you had been using the president's personal address. A couple of these officers have designated a "backup" person who also receives this mail.

There are also a few other addresses to help with the business of AAUW NC that you'll start to see on this website and other collateral:

tarheelnews (for newsletter submissions)
webmaster (for comments on the website)
finance (for the finance committee)
info (for general questions)
list (i.e. list@aauwnc.org -> aauwnc-list@rtpnet.org)
preselect (the president elect)

New subdomains

Now that the domain is set up, we can also set up "subdomains", e.g. "xxx.aauwnc.org". For now we have just two:

members.aauwnc.org => rtpnet.org/aauwnc/00Members
rwc.aauwnc.org => rtpnet.org/aauw, the Raleigh/Wake County site

Additions and Changes

Any member of the board is welcome to contact webmaster@aauwnc.org to request additional e-mail addresses or subdomains. In particular, consider whether "yourbranch@aauwnc.org" should go to someone in your branch so that you can use that e-mail address on your forms and not have to change the form when your officers change.


This is an archive page for AAUW of North Carolina.
Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.