AAUW NC 100 Club |
OverviewNEW: You can join the club by purchasing a $100 item at www.cafepress.com/aauwnc. But act quickly! We're at the cutoff for 2006-2007. Check back this summer for the 2007-2008 merchandise. The AAUW NC 100 club members are people who have given $100 to AAUW NC or 100 hours to AAUW at any level during the calendar year. If you are one of AAUW's stalwarts, and you spent 100 hours on AAUW efforts last year, please be sure to complete the form in the documents section of this web site and return it in time for us to recognize your efforts at the Convention (and list you on this page and in the Tar Heel News). [If you have trouble accessing the forms, please contact webmaster@aauwnc.org.] Please report any corrections to info@aauwnc.org.