American Association of University Women

AAUW North Carolina

Sample Press Release on Degree Requirement


Thanks to AAUW Brevard for sharing this press release.

CONTACT: Karla Atkinson

August 6, 2005

Local AAUW Branch Announces Significant Change

The Brevard Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) just completed its most successful booksale on record. However, according to Pinkie Byrd, Brevard president, AAUW made even more significant progress when the national Association changed the requirements for AAUW membership at its convention in Washington, DC in June of this year.

“This change was ground-breaking for AAUW. We expect to increase our local membership this year because of the change,” Byrd said. She explained that since its founding in 1881, AAUW envisioned an organization in which women college graduates would band together to open doors of higher education to other women and to find wider opportunities to use their training. Membership was thus restricted to women with four-year college degrees.

In 1987 the Association extended membership to men who held college degrees. The first member in the United States was John Freeman, husband of Georgia's poet laureate, Grace Freeman, who became a member of the Brevard Branch that same year.

Nonetheless, the four-year degree requirement for membership remained in place for over 123 years -- until a few months ago. Delegates to the Association’s biannual convention in Washington, DC voted to expand membership to those with two-year associate (or equivalent) degrees. According to Byrd, the change was most welcomed by many Brevard branch members.

“Some people have viewed AAUW as an elitist organization,” Byrd noted. “AAUW is now an organization that more local people who support our mission can join without being “certified” as a four-year college graduate.”

AAUW’s mission is to promote equity for all women and girls, life long education and positive societal change. AAUW directs its efforts toward public policy, advocacy, research, publications and scholarship support. This year AAUW has adopted the theme “Education as the Gateway to Women’s Economic Security.”

With its profits from the booksale, the Brevard AAUW Branch supports the Educational Foundation and the Legal Advocacy Fund programs of the Association. It has also endowed a national Research and Project Grant for in honor of Stine Schaffmeyer, a former branch president.The endowment funds AAUW Educational Foundation Community Action and Career Development grants.

At the local level the branch has endowed a scholarship fund at Blue Ridge Community College in honor of Sue Bacon Renson, another former branch president. A second fund to support scholarships for deserving women in now underway at the college. In addition, scholarships are given annually to local women attending Brevard College. Scholarships for girls to attend science camp are offered each year. The branch contributes to the New Century Scholars program of the Transylvania County school system.

“We have always had a lot of energy in the membership for our various projects,” Byrd said. “These new requirements will make it easier to diversify our interests, expand the membership and reach out to more people in the community.”

The Brevard AAUW Branch meets monthly from September through May. Those interested in learning more about AAUW should contact Carol Pohl, membership coordinator, at 883-5733.

Last updated: 10-Aug-2005
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