AAUW North Carolina Home Page



2006 Branch Reports


Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 13:41:38 -0500
To: Branch Presidents and Alternates
From: Nancy Shoemaker
Subject: Branch reports for 2005
Cc: Joanne Whitney Hill, "Mary Fran Schickedantz"

Dear AAUW NC Branch Presidents -

As promised in last week's message, here are the instructions for reporting on your branch's 2005 activities. This is input to the celebrations of convention and information for the 06-07 board. So please do let us know what's been going on!

919-773-1340 (H), 919-662-0538 (W)

AAUW NC Branch Reports

Please tell AAUW NC about your branch.

  1. Complete a survey giving some basic facts about your branch
    If you don't have exact numbers, your best guesses/impressions will be fine -- or just pick the "Can't Say" or "N/A" choice.
    You may want to have the branch membership vp complete it, too, but that's not required.
  2. Write a page or so telling us about your branches accomplishments and challenges in calendar year 2005.
    Those who applied for mini-grants are exempt from this unless there is other information they want to share.
    If you need help with ideas on what to write, see the sample outline below.

Why are we asking?

The AAUW NC board wants to help share the good ideas in the branches and congratulate you on your successes. Knowing about your challenges can help us set priorities for future programs.

How to submit the results?

Please complete the survey and return the narrative by March 1.
The survey will be forwarded to AAUW NC automatically. However, if you have difficulty with that, write survey@aauwnc.org or call 866-525-2155.
Please e-mail the narrative to survey@aauwnc.org or FAX it, toll-free, to 866-525-2155.

Thanks for participating in this effort!

Mary Fran Schickedantz, Special Projects Chair
Nancy Shoemaker, President-Elect

Sample outline for the narrative.

Use the sections that are meaningful to you.

Tell us about your branch's:

  • Action projects in the schools/community
  • Events -- meetings, interest groups, special events
  • Advocacy/Public Policy efforts -- e.g. voter education, conversations w/public officials

Tell us "how" your branch:

  • Communicates with members/public -- newsletter, web site, media relations
  • Raises money -- just dues? "open your checkbooks"? special projects?
  • Recruits & retains members and encourages them to take leadership roles

What are your successes in the administrative functions of the branch?
If you've streamlined your processes or found ways to "work smarter" we want to know!



This is an archive page for AAUW of North Carolina.
Please check www.aauwnc.org for current information.