NC Delegation

L to R: Virginia Palmer (Statesville), Lill Van Order (Wilmington),
Nancy Shoemaker (Raleigh/Wake County), Bobbie Edmisten (Statesville),
Laura Rumbley (Jacksonville Regional), Millie Hoffler-Foushee (Greensboro),
Janet Weber (Raleigh/Wake County), Mary Peterson (Twin Rivers/New Bern),
Linda Sarkis (Greensboro), Mary Fran Schickedantz (Greensboro),
Lola Jackson (Greensboro), Barbara Ann Hughes (Raleigh/Wake County),
Mary Jo Pribble (Hendersonville), Doris Bernlohr (Chapel Hill),
Beth Norris (Franklin County), Shirley Quisenberry (Asheville),
Gloria Blanton (Raleigh/Wake County). Missing: Sandra Abromitis (Asheville)
and Leslie Syron (Raleigh/Wake County)
We sat together in the plenary sessions, and then split up for the workshops,
forums and briefings. See below for who attended what if you have a particular
interest --or bring your questions to the Jacksonville meeting on July 12.
Special Notes
Check the Convention Dailies
at - Convention Dailies
AAUW NC has ordered the video tape of the Title IX plenary and audio tapes
of the workshops listed in bold below. Contact Mary Peterson for details.
The opening session, business session 1 with speeches from the candidates,
and the AAUW NC caucus. Laura and Doris attended the cross-corporate state leaders
meeting in the morning.
The Title IX plenary was great! A video tape of this is available and
we'll try to coordinate purchase of this to make available for those who weren't
AAUW NC members attended special sessions and workshops as follows (and this
list may be missing a few):
- Special Session: Women in Charge on the Global Front
- Laura, Mary Jo
- SA2 Sex Discrimination in Debate
- Doris
- SA6 Strategy, Leadership, Change, and the Use of Self-Directed Management
- Nancy
- SA8 What every woman should know about women's health
- Bobbie, Beth N.
- SA9 Help Wanted: Building the Pipeline and Engaging Women in IT Careers
- Sandra A. (1st half), Janet W.
- SA10 Mentoring for Women's Leadership: A replicable model
- Lola, Mary P, Sandra A. (2nd half)
- SA11 An introduction to asset allocation
- Millie
- SA12 Using Technology to advance your branch and maximize your time
- Lill
- SA13 Local, State and National Advocacy -- AAUW Style
- Barbara Ann, Gloria
The SAR regional meeting was an opportunity to share
successes over the year and introduce new regional director Ann Terry. AAUW NC
took the lead in producing an afghan and pillow to thank Ronnie Williams for her
four years of service as AAUW South Atlantic Regional Director. View
the card and see the pictures.
- There were forums with Q&A on the membership bylaws changes (removing
the bachelor's degree requirement; admitting businesses) and the dues increase
as well as special interest groups and caucuses. The notes for the membership
best practices may be available on the bulletin boards.
The bylaws amendments changing the eligibility requirements for membership
were voted down. For the next two years membership will require a baccalaureate
or higher degree. The proposed change to establish a "business/organization"
category of membership also failed. See the Convention Daily for details.
There was a full session of special interest groups, briefings and workshops.
Here's a list of those attended by NC delegates:
- Parliamentary
- Gloria
- Program VPs and the PDC
- Nancy
- Hysterectomies: Before, After and Alternatives
- Mary Fran has the books
- SU1 Women in Politics
- Barbara Ann, Millie
- SU2 Enabling Institutional Change
- Lola
- SU3 A Painless and Fail-Proof Guide to Strategic Planning
- SU4 Balancing Work and Life
- Janet
- SU5 Live the Mission, Transform the Organization
- Doris, Mary Fran
- SU6 Women and Social Security
- Gloria, Virginia, Bobbie
- SU7 The young and not so restless
- Linda (2nd half)
- SU9 High-Touch Leadership in a High-Tech World
- Nancy, Linda (1st half)
- SU11 Highlights from 2002 international symposium on global gender equity
- Mary Jo, Barbara Ann, Shirley
- SU12 Running a student leaders conference
- Laura, Mary, Lill, Sandra
- SU14 Harassment-free hallways resource guide
- Laura
- SU15 Open world 2003: Russian Leadership Program
- Mary
- SU16 Plug in your conferences: Using technology from start to finish
- Mary Jo, Mary Fran (end)
- SU17 Why are you giving your money away?
- Nancy, Janet
- SU19 Legal case support from A-Z
- Sandra, Lill
The LAF banquet had not one, but two, dynamic speakers Bari-Ellen Roberts and
Graciela Chichilnisky.
At the business session, the body accepted the automatic $2/year dues increase,
but added a provision that means it will need to be reconsidered in 2009. The
public policy program passed after the body inserted changes to emphasize the
importance of availability of health care and full access to civil rights. The
session ended with a celebration of the branch/state successes highlighted in
the 21st Century Recognition Program:
North Carolina (Gold)
Platinum: Brevard, Raleigh/Wake County, Winston-Salem
Gold: Greensboro, Hendersonville, Statesville
Bronze: Jacksonville Regional
Workshops included:
- M2 Leading the way: Tech Savvy Girls Video Project
- M4 Shaping the Future with Four Generations
- Mary Jo, Nancy, Janet
- M5 The AAUW College/University partnership program
- Mary Fran
- M7 Leadership and organizational change
- Gloria
The Convention was capped with Gloria Steinem's speech at the Foundation Night
banquet! She got a big cheer when she noted that the Supreme Court had celebrated
our Convention with their decision
on affirmative action.
Bring your questions to the Jacksonville