Results of Online Survey, October 2001. 15 respondents + 1 late respondent

Answers to questions 1-7

8. How could they be more useful:

  1. I like to attend very practical meetings and to get specific, detailed guidance on how to set up programs or something like designing effective promotional materials, etc. At workshops, I would like presentations by people who are not AAUW members and who have expertise and experience and recognition in circles outside our own. I think too many workshops are squeezed into too short a period. Workshops should be long enough to get in-depth learning/training/information. I do not like to sit through a long business meeting with endless reports. I would like committee reports sent out BEFORE the meeting and to have discussion only as necessary. I'd rather read a report at home and have time to think about it before the meeting. HOWEVER, I will continue to attend meetings no matter what!
  2. Topics should include information on fundraising methods, ideas on membership drives. Bring professional fundraisers to speak at our meetings
  3. Programming is vital. Programs must be planned far enough in advance that the membership has plenty of ahead notice of everything that is planned. Bits and pieces don't do it for me. Frankly, the Wilmington convention program had too many TO BE ANNOUNCED to excite a crowd.
  4. The summer conference in Gastonia could have made known in advance some powerful leader(s) and emphasis/theme which would have made it seem worthwhile. Some of us plan a few months in advance and need to know the theme/emphasis and at least one leader so we can decide whether it's likely to be worth our time and money.
    Could summer conference be scheduled nearer the maximum number of branches? For those not on the Board, the expense and time needed for about a five-hour meeting seemed unreasonable to some of us when it was in Hendersonville, for example.
  5. When workshops are held, it'd be helpful to leaders to have a hostess to see that the leader(s) are introduced briefly, and room arrangements, distribution of handouts, seating of latecomers and other details are taken care of to make it possible for leader(s) to maximize use of their time.
  6. I'd like to see more branch members participating, to provide more input and better counterpart exchange.
    Also, we need to consider ways we present information to optimize the dynamic of multiple intelligences.
  7. Shorter business meeting. Put a time limit on each item discussed. Some issues take much too long in business meeting. Especially after travel across NC.
  8. Regional meeting, of course, are the easiest to attend. Exchange of ideas there is good. One problem is that cluster have no authority to take any collective action on anything. Our state is wide and has different problems in different areas--all within AAUW general positions.
  9. State Board Meetings: Meeting for the sake of meeting is always a waste of time and money. This Fall it is important for the Board to meet and complete incomplete business from this Summer. I consider this a valuable use of my time.
  10. Workshops need to be more relevant
  11. STATE:
    I would like to see more of the following:
    1. More action or "hands on" programs
    2. More emphasis by state leaders on developing rapport with their branch counterparts and helping the branches to implement new Association and State programs.
    3. Integrated programming
    Program on a topic with follow-up ties to membership and public policy (public policy is AAUW's program in action)
    4. Developing leadership skills; one only needs to attend an AAUWNC business or board meeting to see this is a NEED.
    5. We need more dynamic "leaders-on-loan" to challenge the status quo.
  12. Since we have these meetings at various places all across the state, we need to "pull out all the stops" on getting the people who are in close proximity to the meeting to attend, so that every couple of years you at least would have a group of people who would be "tuned in".
  13. The board meetings and the convention at Wrightsville Beach have all been interesting and informative to me.

9. Other comments:

  1. Other topics of interest would be new technical methods of databases, reporting, etc.
  2. I personally feel that too many of the smaller branches in NC must feel a real disconnect to this organization or they might participate. Being smaller--I think, has some disadvantages and this is one of them. I have an idea that may help correct the disconnect feeling. For whatever reason, I do not think Clusters are well attended. I would suggest we look at dividing the state into Districts and eliminating all those cluster meetings. Ohio uses a District format of some kind--I think. Anyway, divide state into four districts headed by a district coordinator. All districts meet in the Fall at four centrally located sites. Centrally located is important. This eliminates all this long distance travel and many cluster meetings. Smaller branches may participate in a slightly larger group close to home. The district meetings would vary in content, but stress leadership skills and training for new people taking on new jobs etc. All districts could include anything new needing to be covered like for instance, a new program like the 21st Century Recognition Program etc.( These kind of program items to be suggested by NC Board) Districts could, could at their meetings have a theme, guest speakers etc, that focus on a particular topic of interest to AAUW members. Could even do something with coalition partners. These district meetings would be held in year's that have no national convention and replace yearly state conventions. Yearly conventions, in between this district meetings a smaller state board stays on top and directs etc ..This is an opinion--for whatever it is worth. I still feel this organization is going to self destruct unless it gets smaller at the top, and much more efficient. This structure is also too costly. Driving from one coast to the other to attend meetings is wasteful and not an efficient use of time. Much more then you wanted--sorry.
  3. Thanks to Mary Jo and the Committee for giving those of us not on the Board an opportunity to express our views!
    I hope reasonable follow-up is done to assure input from branches which have not been involved in state/Association events or which have had very limited involvement for 2-3 years.
  4. We need published counterpart lists for every office, so state leaders can personally invite their counterparts to state events.
  5. I have sent other comments to Mary Jo.
  6. Holding meetings in resort areas sounds so nice but they are expensive and we have almost no time to leave the hotel and enjoy the surroundings. Just something to consider.
  7. I truly believe we need to focus on dynamic programming. Personally I make time for things I want to do. If a meeting has something to offer me, I plan to attend. Otherwise, why bother. It is my opinion that we've not reached out enough to our branches. Visit them to generate interest. I think we've been in a holding pattern.
  8. Most branch members don't even consider going because of lack of funding from the branch budget. Time commitment is the 2nd reason. The third reason is that they don't see it as Leadership Development. The fourth reason is that some don't like to miss church on Sunday morning. The fifth reason is that Branches do not "sell" the idea well enough.
  9. Our branch members are older ladies who are not able to travel long distances. we have not been able to interest younger women to join

  10. Women, in my age group (late 20's to early 30's) may be any one (or more) of the following: young professional, mother of relatively young children, be involved in the early stages of a lifetime committed relationship. We can safely assume that women in these roles will choose to make them a priority over AAUW meeting attendance, as they should. Recognizing the demands of each the meeting style and delivery should (if seeking to directly affect the volume in attendance in this group) be adapted/able.

    There are many ways to breach this divide. In my opinion, the branch meetings are too sedentary for most young professionals, who are characterized by having "energy to burn." The environment is not naturally suited to women with young children, for obvious reasons. I am unaware of any childcare volunteers enabling mothers to part from their offspring for a little while.

    To really reach the age group AAUW needs to utilize technology to web cast, telecast or otherwise make meetings available remotely.

Last modified 29-Oct-01
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