NC Women United Survey

To help us better prepare for the NC Women United retreat on February 11, we would appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey. As a past or present participant in NC Women United, your thoughts about our future are valued.

Please fax or e-mail your comments to
AAUW NC representative, Barbara Ann Hughes,
(919) 787-8299/

by January 23

so that she can send the completed survey to
Paige Johnson at (919) 933-5271/ by January 29. Thank you.

The newly proposed mission, vision and goals of NC Women United are listed below. Please take these into consideration when answering the questions that follow.


NC Women United is a consensus-based coalition of organizations and individuals committed to achieving full equality and empowerment of women. Our primary purpose is to facilitate the coordination of organizational action on issues that affect women.


NC Women United will maximize the power base of women in North Carolina.

Goals of the Coalition


NC Women United Survey


  1. How do you feel about the tentative Mission Statement? In answering this please consider whether we should be an activist organization or serve more as an informational clearinghouse.




  3. If we are an activist organization, what activities are we willing to commit to in order to reach our goals?




  5. Should we require that all member organizations to fully support our mission, vision and goals as stated? How should we handle dissent on specific issues?




  7. As a member of NC Women United, what would you expect to receive from the group?




  9. What do you think that NC Women United should expect from you as a member organization?




  11. How should NC Women United activities be funded? Should there be a membership fee? If so, how should the fee structure be determined?




  13. What kind of a formal structure – if any – should NC Women United have?

Last updated: 16-Jan-2002