AAUW Fall Board Minutes

November 4, 2000

Holiday Inn, Chapel

President Mary Jo Pribble called the meeting to order at 9:20 A.M. on November 4, 2000 by welcoming everyone to the meeting.

Doris Bernlohr, Chapel Hill President, welcomed everyone to Chapel Hill and the State Board Meeting on behalf of the Branch.

Becky Hamrick, Parliamentarian, reviewed the rules for business. Two items were added to the agenda. The agenda was approved.

Acting Secretary Gelene Lineberger called the roll. The minutes were approved as written. (Later a correction was called to the Secretary’s attention.) The following were appointed as a reading committee: Mary Fran Schickedantz, Lill van Order, and Nancy Shoemaker.

Treasurer Bobbie Edmisten passed out two corrected reports for June 30, 2000. The change was for Public Policy outstanding bills. The bills came after June 30 for reimbursement, but were incurred before June 30. Corrected the Past President Sandra Champion account from $16,000 to $1,600.

President’s Remarks. Mary Jo is often asked the following question: Do I really believe that AAUW has a place with women today? Her answer is yes; we believe that AAUW has a place. There have been changes since 1861. There are many changes in the works today. Questionnaires were sent to various members. One question was about 5-Star Recognition Program. North Carolina needs to look at changes for the state. Some changes are toll free telephone number and information on a Web Site. Mentioned a few from Sandy Bernard, Association President: a decrease in membership, continue to face challenges, changes handling national dues---Association collect all the dues and return portions for the state dues and branch dues, a potential dues index, automatic dues increases---smaller amount of increase, in smaller amounts, more often. Cross Corporate Personal Committee, representative from the Boards, one member one vote, officers elected by all members, a smaller Association Board has been reduced from 22 members to 12-14 with regional leadership team, etc. are some possibilities. There are copies of the Tar Heel News on the back table. Beth Carmical, College and University Representative, has resigned due to increased duties at school. Mary Jo reported on several members who have had problems recently: Shirley Quisenberry has had trouble with her back, Pauline Joos has a broken wrist, and Alyce Lanier has had a house fire.

Program vice President Laura Rumley reported that Association is primarily putting emphasis on membership. The State convention will put emphasis on universities and how girls and women fare. The Convention committee will meet during lunch today. Many Branches have had Women’s Agenda Programs. She referred to three AAUW items in the NEA Today, citing our Tech Savvy.

Membership Vice President Sue Metz has not had much response from the 800 number. It states what AAUW is and what it does. Need to find ways to advertise the toll free number—book marks, newspapers, local directories. The point of the number is to inform people about AAUW. There has been talk about a new branch at the Outer Banks, but this is not going to happen this year. In looking at our state history there have been 17 branches to disband in North Carolina. We officially have 28 branches this year. We need to look into a contact from these branches, do alternate branches, branch out into businesses, college, etc. The toll free number is 1-800-320-3933. Various branches bragged about success in their branches for branch membership. There were several in attendance today for their first AAUW/NC Board Meeting. They were asked to stand and introduce themselves. We have 1922 members and 600 MALs.

Mary Jo asked each person present to stand and introduce herself, and tell something about herself.


Historian Clara Allen reported that she had not received histories from several branches. She shared a bit of history. Chapel Hill Branch was the first branch to celebrate 300 years of the first woman to receive a doctorate. A group to study elderly care should be considered. The deadline for histories has passed, but branches need to finish histories and send to Clara if they are going to be a part of the state booklet. Asheville celebrated its 85th anniversary.

Diversity Chair Diane Caldwell reported that she is enjoying being Diversity chair. She compared diversity to the Fall colors-important and a necessity. Women have to go on what they have done with the legislature. We have to be the ones to spearhead it. Must work on membership to make AAUW diverse.

Educational Foundation Chair Claudia Rose was absent. It was announced that the deadline for EF is December 31, 2000. There is a list of Fellows on E-Mail.

Educational Equity Chair Allene Poe was absent due to the death of her husband.

International Affairs Chair Shirley Quisenberry was absent. Lee Laidlaw made her report. She presented a proposal (see separate sheet.) the motion to accept the proposal was made and seconded and passed. We voted $95.00 out of the AAUW/NC funds to pay Costa Rica’s 2001 dues.

Legal Advocacy Chair Marleen Hanson updated the amount of money contributed to this fund. As of October 3, 2000 there was $5,918.56 with more to come. This amount was received from eight major donors. Have three new cases for LAF as follows: 1 case from Stanford, University of Mass., Dartmouth for pay equity, and Projector and Organization Committee at the college in Texas. She reported that there is an LAF Tool Kit. For the 5-Star report all State Board members must contribute to the LAF Fund. She passed a sheet around for the members to check their name if they have contributed or plan to contribute.

The suggestion was made to type E-Mail addresses to make them easier to read.

Public Policy Chair Mary Peterson reported on state issues. She reported that Advocacy Day would be January 30, 2001. At this time the Women’s Agenda will be presented. The registration form will be put in the newsletter in the Winter, 2000 issue. Mary presented the state public policy statement 2000-2001. Mary moved the adoption of the 2000-2002 AAUW/NC program. After making several editorial corrections, the motion passed. In Federal legislation the bill has been passed to allow women overseas to have an abortion if they pay for it. Mary asked the branches to make regular reports to her and that information received before Board meetings, she will include then in a handout with her report.

Web Site Chair Janet has filed all papers with Internet. Cannot get to the site at the present time, but hopes it will be up and running real soon. She has all kinds of equipment at home and can put anything on the Web Page. She suggested that each person take a disk to put reports and other information on.

Cluster Chair Virginia Palmer reported that three clusters have held meetings. The Triad Cluster will be December 2,2000 in Greensboro. Others have not set a date.

Five-Star Chair Mary Fran Schickedantz has applications for each branch and the state. Can download applications from the web page. She gave copies of the application and explanation to the state and branch presidents. A major idea to think about-achieve all State 5-Star criteria, some on the calendar years, and others from April to April. She asked if North Carolina would continue to work for five stars. She suggested that a folder be kept for her as one is made for the branch. Be sure to include a copy of all publicity for the branch and the State 5-Star Chairman. She suggested that social justice was something to think about. Look at social justice international instead of state. Should take a look at handicapped accessibility and with national organizations. North Carolina qualified last year for LAF and Eleanor Roosevelt Star.

To receive the Visibility Star need to have something about the January 30, 2001 Advocacy Day. Also need media exposure in Branches.

For Leadership Star need to have strategic plan. We should work more on a plan for transition of branch officers to state officers.

Mary Fran moved that North Carolina apply for the 5-Star status. The motion was seconded and passed.

Housing Chair Gelene Lineberger called attention to the meeting places for 2000-2001. She pointed out that the Statesville Branch would host the Winter Board Meeting. The spelling of Wrightsville was corrected.

Nominating Chair Pauline Joos was absent. Mary Fran Schickedantz made the report. Have received nominations for all positions as of November 1, 2000 the deadline. Consider whether someone else from the branches should be nominated. Marty Folsom apologized for not getting the nominating report in the newsletter.

Resolutions Chair Elizabeth Laney had no report.

Tar Heel Editor Marty Folsom reported that the deadline for material for the next newsletter is November 10, 2000. If it is not in her hands by that date, it will not be in the newsletter.

A discussion followed concerning putting the labels on the newsletter. Marty suggested that for about $65 an issue, hours and hours of work can be saved in preparing each issue for mailing by having a mailing service.

Computer Technology Chair Nancy Shoemaker reported that she is working with Board members to make better use of our computer. Will be modeling things to help branches. She is adding information as she gets the information from members. The E-Mail address is AAUWNC-Tech-Subscribe for a mailing list of those who wish to participate in this effort.


Acting Secretary Gelene Lineberger pointed out the changes that must be voted on in the North Carolina Policy Statement. The changes were accepted as presented.

A discussion followed concerning the Winter Board Meeting 2001. This had been discussed at the July Board Meeting. There has been much discussion about ways to save money. This was suggested as a way of saving money. The Executive Board might meet through E-Mail as all the Executive Committee has E-Mail. Bylaws do not require a set number of meetings a year. After discussion a motion was made as follows: Suspend Winter Board meeting for January 2001 and have Executive Board and Program Planning committee meet, employing whatever technological means available to take care of business and planning for state convention and to access before next year’s winter board meeting as to whether to continue without Winter Board Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. There will be no Winter Board in 2001.


A discussion on the mailing of the Tar Heel News was held. Can get a mail service to prepare the newsletter for mailing. It would cost as follows: for 1922 members --$46.89 plus postage with MAL $59.21. The motion was made as follows: that the president arrange for the use of a mailing service to mail the Tar Heel News. The motion was seconded and passed.

Marty spoke about mailing the newsletter to the MALs. It has been the policy to mail one Tar Heel News a year to the MAL. The newsletter gives us an opportunity to touch base with the MALs. She feels that they should receive each newsletter during the year. It was moved that from this time forward all MALs receive all mailing of the newsletter. The motion was seconded but failed to pass.

It must be figured out how to get MALs actively involved in this organization. May need to invite to a convention and put emphasis on their feelings. May need to be a person to focus on MALs as a board position.

May consider mailing them a newsletter before the convention with information for them. Then follow up by trying to find out how many attended the convention and then we would decide if this was effective.

Mary Peterson moved that for the remainder of this year, to June 30,2001, The Tar Heel News be mailed to all MALs as a trial and to be followed by an evaluation. The motion was seconded and passed. A block should be on the registration form to be checked for attendance at the convention.

This could be reported from Branch and attendance at the convention.

Lill Van Order invited all to attend the Spring Convention at Wrightsville Beach with the Wilmington Branch as hostess. The information about the convention will be in the next newsletter. Lill also circulated as advance information and registration sheet. Registration deadline for the hotel, Blockade Runner, is February 2001 and for the convention is March 13, 2001.

President Mary Jo opened the floor for reports from Branch Presidents. Several made comments.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 P.M. after a short Open Forum.

Gelene Lineberger

Acting Secretary

Submitted March 19 in Word format by Pat Abell.
Converted to HTML by Nancy Shoemaker.
Corrections/comments to Pat Abell.